Saturday, March 18, 2006
yay haha reached my 100th post! goody good.
need to find something nice to talk about (besides, of course, yours truly) went to look at my sec4 class yahoo groups just now...
class 4G 2005. the class that chandru and klow are in charge of. the class that they insist has zero class spirit.
so theoritically our group should be dead.. but apparently its not.. theres some kinda of mini revival going on now.. and it all started with something called spam. from matt.
hey guys, hello! sorry im just feeling silly
okie.. our grp has been hibernating for quite some time liao.. then replies came..
bg >>lol wth... >>Oh yucks that bitch who slapped and pinched my ear is still in this group. shit u
dc >>zomg spam lol...
kangxi >>spam keep the place alive what...million years no one posted already...hahaha...
with that.. some new post called Achtung! started.. courtesy of kunda..
>>So is Class 4G 2005 officialli dead? R.I.P......
how wrong he would be.. that was posted at 12:51am, 3rd feb 2006. to that alone came 35 (and counting) replies of err spam and crap.. and err more crap.
dc >>nein. wir sind lebendig....
wy >>die die die!!
jd >>go go go
kangxi >>yea yea yea
ldinho >>screw screw screw
dc >>. . .
kunda >>Fire in the Hole!
jd >>haha see now everybody follow me say a word 3 times
kangxi >>hahaha. should we be having a class outing in any time?
kunda >>Class 4G 2005 is well dead. This just further confirms the Kundaist precept that Man is incapable of maintaining strong bonds when regular interactions no longer occur
QA >>Err...Kundaism is crap n Kunda is a psychopath
dc >>LOL PWN3D
kunda >>Much Ph3ar! DIE!
wy >>piece of shit! DAWWWWW
kunda >>On putting the probing knife to that rotting abscess in Your ass, I found a miniature You, a soft putruscent maggot, blinded because of the sudden light.
dc >>gentlemen calm down, this matter can be approached in a civilised manner.
matt >>ohh my.. what have i awoken??!
ldinho >>have it ever occurred to u tt there is a teacher in e grps???
matt >>lol so what? i bet he loves to read our rubbish! it prob spices up his life! right lao shi? :)
dc >>lawl
jd >>SIEG HEIL!!!!!
ms >>jawohl mein fuehrer.
kunda >>Yeah- I'm sure the teacher would be more than willing to accept his Kundamene citisenship. ^_^ Note: "citisenship" is not a spelling error. It's in Kundat.
dc >>ever wondered how the chinese government crushed cults?
jd >>4G was an organization of high complexity, nevertheless social and political strife divided the ranks of its citizens. It is NOT a cult. Now can you dig that, s**kerrrrrrrrr??
ms >>organisation or not, both are susceptible to tanks.
kangxi >>more like fish tanks. people power shall be the collapse of kundaism!
dc >>this discussion is heading straight for the twisting nether
yours truly >>yo :) this discussion doesnt even have a head to head anywhere..
dc >>u just proved ur own point.
wy >>kaching!
jd >>Kool No Need to fight
bg >>singg meee the soOngs i delighttARd to hear.. loOng loOng agO loOng agO
yours truly >>BOO! ha.. bet it scared everyone here. honestly, i think everyone in this discussion needs a mental checkup...
lalala :P yay instead of doing econs i spent my time copying and pasting all these crap out. no names haha so go guess yourself haha :DD
if you think everything above was crap, i'll have to say you are absolutely right its meant to be. if you din understand a word of that, either: 1. your vocab is as good(bad) as say.. my terrapin, 2. its not meant for you to understand anyways.
its internal info for 4G pple who have nothing better to do than to cook up some crap (crab, preferably chilli or pepper) for more ppl with sad lives to read.
:) to keeep our class alive.. alive with that spirit that neither chandru nor klow could see.. maybe its just too crappy for them to understand anyway haha :)
ok maybe, just maybe its about time i went to start revising for the stupid chem test. sigh and finishing my sad econs essay. im soo gonna fail the essay..
wads chemistry? chem is try :) yea how creative.
mine's better: Cheeeem and Easily failable subject which Everyone prefers to Heck care but instead is Expected to do Extra Mugging on nights when wE prefer to by playing, watching tv, or chatting on Msn. isnt is Crazily Happy and Extremely Mournful??
see i even got that question mark included in somehow :DD haha ok nvm seriously gotta start on some work.
6:34 PM
Law =) A someone who blogs for fun joy peace and laughter.
if you are offended by any of the blunt (and/or sharp) truths typed here,
please leave immediately. the author (thats me!!) is a nice and innocent person
who doesnt even dream of degrading anybody.