Saturday, April 04, 2009
april fool passed, and not a single joke made in camp! we're all growing up haha. but its april already haha soon it'll be ord :) i like april. i think its because of the teenage textbook or workbook (cant rmb which one) and theres a phrase something like the passing of an april shower and i always rmbed it even though im not very sure now what it was haha :p
i need to visit more places like these before humanization globalization industrialization and whatever not rubbish destroys everything :)
hm oh yeah i watch city of ember finally! :) the concept was interesting though i dont know why those idiots stayed underground for 2 centuries blindly waiting for their food supplies to run out :p but i kept thinking about the final scene where the kids finally got out of the city ember full of hope for their future, but then suddenly realised that the world outside was as dark and gloomy as the stories had told. but they went to sleep and the next thing they knew they woke up to a sunrise in a beautiful world :) so yup haha sometimes it just happens that we arrive at our goal when its sundown without realizing that sunrise is just a few hours away. i think we all know this, but sometimes its easier to look at other ppl and forget these little things ourselves *nods wisely* :)
sundown reminds me of the marathon again damnit. jiayou! :)
11:45 AM
Law =) A someone who blogs for fun joy peace and laughter.
if you are offended by any of the blunt (and/or sharp) truths typed here,
please leave immediately. the author (thats me!!) is a nice and innocent person
who doesnt even dream of degrading anybody.