Sunday, April 29, 2007
went for band exchange at HCI on saturday.. and ARGHZ omg WHY IS THEIR SCHOOL SO MUCH NICE THAN OURS -.-
major irritating la sigh why cant they hire someone with more aesthetic sense to design rj before they just grab any boring looking structure and plonk it next to ri. i bet i'll do better with a lego set la :)
hm ok nvm i was talking about the exchange. hehe we played like erm with room for improvement (HUGE ROOMS). sigh ok we din play well. everytime we go for exchanges since ri we will shi shui zun and make some major mistakes. but lets be optimistic and assume the other bands played to their best :) and assuming we can play to our best we'll be better than them during syf :)
haha they say optimists live longer :)
oh but tjc played super well. with a very nice song too :) same composer who wrote machu picchu and ocean ^^ how in the world can anyone write so many beautiful songs within one lifetime. sigh
and their band even sang the melody at one part and ahh it was so nice. maybe they kope choir ppl and put them on stage with instruments :p
3:22 PM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
just found this nice site :),,2001320029-2007170760,00.html
just went for another read to reach in ang mo kio. another bunch of super active kids with imba metabolism rate. so much so for the world's energy crisis la. just grab kids and put them in a power plant we'll have more than enough energy :)
but ahh din go for band prac!! after band prac the ppl lighted candles and formed this nice thingy! :) lol

so nice rite. but at least my candle got lit too :)
9:16 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Your forces arrive at Vodka Intimacy (4:22), and battle begins quickly...
A tough battle took place, but we have managed a victory!
Your army has taken 1546 new acres! 622 buildings survived and can be refitted to fit our needs. We also gained 3740 specialist training credits. Taking full control of your new land will take 16.00 days. Your new land will be available on January 1st, YR15.
We lost 446 Soldiers, 5096 Berserkers, and 3984 War Horses in this battle. Our forces will be again available on January 1st, YR15.
We killed about 9450 enemy troops. We also imprisoned 775 additional troops in our Dungeons.
rawr!!!!!!!! last day of age in genesis today :) and i did a suicide into a super large province ^^
and left a pathetic defense at home i bet i'll get slaughtered when the retals come in... but wadevers man i had my fun already today ^^
not a bad age.. made it into the top hundred in the world and got my biggest attack ever. ok i've never even seen such a large land grab attack before actually so its ever more fun to do it personally :)
and my kingdom mate msged me" SWEET SWEET SWEET! Fantastic grab!"
haha he's another fellow suicider into the same uber powerful kingdom. oh wells we both waiting to get killed now :)
8:59 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
gosh kids nowadays ah.... just now went ang mo kio for cip. that ntuc read and reach program. wah i dunno wad you have to do to read to them. their attention span lasts (thru careful estimation) just slightly shorter then 0.578 seconds, and after that you're assumed transparent and they go back to doing wadever they want to do.
and priscilla is now officially known as green bean to some girl called trinity (sigh such a nice name)
green bean.
wad wad wad in the world la :)
10:35 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
ri... gold for syf :) no honours abit wasted la but they played well! ^^ better than rgs played i think. but still judges expect to be blown away this year if you want gold with honours so swaying judges with just decently nice music is not enough la i guess. sigh they raise standards by so much this year.
so ok the flu bug trying to kill me now argh i cant even breathe properly and my eyes keep watering and and my nose keep sneezing and my head keep aching and my eyes keep wanting to close. bah hate hate hate hate being sick
9:16 PM
Friday, April 13, 2007
today. omg such a screwed up day.
ok the actual day wasnt screwed up.. until i logged on to utopia just now.
then i saw 8 attacks made on me.. in 6 hours o.O and i din know whether to be pissed off or just so shocked. even in a war i've never been hit more than 4 times in 24 hours and now i got hit 8 times in 6 hours by 8 different ppl and 4 different kingdoms. wow
ok so brilliant another guy just hit me. 9 hits in 6 hours.. wonder wad it'll be like by the next 24 hours. i bet its some new utopian record.
bah so annoying
just remembered its friday the 13th sigh.
10:46 PM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
wahahahahaha. last night. one game. 7-1.
roma got destroyed
manu destroyed them
rawr :)
lol very happy today needed to gloat for very long already. count the goals until i one hand not enough even needed my left hand wow :) almost need toes liao.. maybe thats where the GC comes in useful :)
o random quote from xiao ham (secret identity of priscilla but lets not give her away ok? ^^)
we were discussing the ntuc read and reach thingy and wondering how to control children....
xiao ham ^_^ says:
to control a child-----slap
o today another important day.. finally managed to reach 100 opa for utopia :) rawr win :)
Total Modified Offense: 703,078 (100.30 per Acre)
Practical (75% elites): 546,793 (78.00 per Acre)
Total Modified Defense: 586,107 (83.61 per Acre)
Practical (25% elites): 219,114 (31.26 per Acre)
anyway... IQ test! woohan was bombing ppl with questions today during tuts
ok level 1 :)
(cant rmb the exact question but my version shouldnt be far off)
you have 1 fox, 1 chicken, 1 sack of rice. and you need to cross a river. unfortunately you dont know how to swim! but fortunately you have a boat! unfortunately the boat can only carry 2 items! (you and something else)
so how to get to the other side of the river? assuming the fox eats the chicken if left alone, the chicken eats the rice if left alone, and the rice eats the fo.. eh waitwait nonono the rice sits there nicely and innocently if left alone and eats nothing :)
ok lets say you understand my wonderful story and solved this easy question in 10 seconds...
level 2 :)
you have 2 ropes. they are of different matarials, different colours, different prices, different weighs, different thickness, different lengths, they are individually of different cross sectional areas along their lengths, some parts of the ropes are fat some parts are thin, etc etc.. but wait! they have a similarity! both take exactly 1 minute to burn if you set one end alight, sort of like a long candle wick.
so now you need to calculate out exactly 45 seconds! by just burning these 2 ropes
PS no they're not beautiful ropes so you cant sell them for money and buy a stop watch.
and no you cant strangle the shop keeper and demand a stop watch for free.
ok another easy question done! ^^
level 3!
there are 12 baskets. each basket has 30 eggs. 11 baskets have perfectly identical eggs of same weight, the 12th basket has eggs of each 1.000 gram heavier than a normal identical egg. and you have a super expensive perfect accurate weighing balance which measures up to 10 dp!.... and only works once o.O
so by just measuring something/anything once, identify the basket of heavier eggs :)
disclaimer: you're not psychic. and dont cheat the weighing balance realli works once only hor
ok another easy question done! haha ok wait before going on.. another random quote :)
still on the ntuc read and reach, i realise im pretty popular
[-Besides memories-] what's gone never returns so don't dwell on them. says:
[-Besides memories-] what's gone never returns so don't dwell on them. says:
i'm going with mervin!
aww so well loved ppl fight over me *blushes*
ok level 4!
which i havent solved yet either and only wenhao solved it.. after like 2 tuts and an assembly talk o.O
ok.. you have 12 balls. all are identical except one, which is either slightly heavier or lighter but you dont know that.
you have a weighing balance (nono not the electronic 10 dp one.. the one that err looks like it came from the stone age)

ok yeah looks like this pic. so you get to use this weighing balance only THREE times before it breaks down and disintegrate into dust (well i SAID it was from the stone age ^^)
and you're supposed to identify which ball is the odd one out, and whether its lighter or heavier than the rest
PS no its not so easy if you think you got it within 10 minutes. think think think :) i shall go figure this out soon too :)
8:28 PM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
grr napfa today aced everything except pull ups get D :( so annoying bah.
nvm during the retest i shall get A for everything :) i hope la
anyway just now went to watch sec school syf band comp :) even went thru the trouble to bring home clothes so that i look err older. coz apparently got age limit one... so annoying.
reach there and we see ppl in school uniform allowed in also.. some age limit la :)
rgs played today and got gold.. no honours :( so sad la i bet the whole band is crying immediately after the results (ok admittedly they get gold with honours will also start crying one) .. and the evil part is they werent even here to hear the results. the rg teachers decided to ship them back to rgs immediately after performing so they had to rely on seniors calling them to tell them :S
and after syf it still rained somemore had to walk in the rain to mrt. but alot of ex rg ppl went back to rg i think so err give out some hugs (and join in the crying la)
some nice pic used by some random ppl for msn dp :)

8:40 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007
just watched ice age and a cinderella story! ^^ nice movies haha :)
"im late"
"for wad?"
haha ok
and dunno wad happened to class outing today lol ppl come and go and come and go. oh wellx. and willy din know it was a holiday today.. thursday we were happily discussing wad to do today when he suddenly asked "eh tmr holiday meh?"
rite so terribly smart.
o yes and on thursday wenhao's losing streak at chess continued when i won him again! :) poor him so desperate that today he wanted to play with xinyun just to stop the losing streak. tsk tsk
9:26 PM
Sunday, April 01, 2007
yay! today is sakura's birthday!! ^^ in case you dont know, sakura is the pretty pretty girl on my blog template :)
incidentally its that guy's birthday also coz he conveniently forgot his own birthday and sakura conveniently made today his birthday too so they can celebrate their birthdays together :)
o and incidentally today is jasmine's sister's birthday too... but wait thats unrelated to my sakura :)
and today is also april fool's day which er is very boring coz its not a school day :( dammit. and pj has decided to crash sabby's house and now they're both talking to me on msn even though they're sitting next to each other using 2 different comps. liang ge da ben zhu :)
4:20 PM