Tuesday, January 30, 2007
hwueeee (imgaine whistling) haha my internet finally working again! ^^ got the mio plan so got a new line which is faster (wahaha love my torrent dl speeds). ok not the fastest in the world but ok la can accept :)
o and woohan just msged! RJ soccer beat VJ soccer 3-0!! and woohan the pro guy scored one by nutmegging the 'keeper. (dictionary: to nutmeg someone is to put the ball pass between that noob's legs and making him look like an idiot. while at the same time making you look real good) ok he pro liao but still cant do stuff in this video http://gprime.net/video.php/foottricks showed him the video last thurs and told him to teach me the stuff inside. and he proly ponned school on friday (wahh bet he mugging the tricks la tsk tsk) think it takes a while to load but its quite fun so worth it la
chionging GP now so sad. and theres physics tys due tmr! arghz ok technically there's 2 lectures for me to chiong them tmr (well only 40 odd questions but yeah such great time managment skills wor) but im some good boy who never sleep, do other stuff or stone in lecture (not to mention not eating) so hows??? dunno. im sleepy and im getting my sleep.
physics tys VS i needs to sleep. something tells me the tys can go hide one corner for now or it'll be an ugly scoreline when they start fighting :)
9:34 PM
Law =) A someone who blogs for fun joy peace and laughter.
if you are offended by any of the blunt (and/or sharp) truths typed here,
please leave immediately. the author (thats me!!) is a nice and innocent person
who doesnt even dream of degrading anybody.