Wednesday, August 30, 2006
suddenly teachers' day arrived.
tmr got teachers day celebration. and also got that workout thingy lol. every year also must have dunno wads their prob :S
anyway somehow we think that ex teachers are rather more important than current ones (ahem willy) like tmr. got the workout thing. willy will start doing it happily. then he shifts slightly nearer to his bag. and in the next few steps he goes nearer again. and again. and again.
then he picks up his bag to.. erm of course add some challenge to the exercise.
then after a little little while you see him doing exercise outisde school by waving his hands energitically (to flag a cab to go back cj). lolz
9:58 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
o i forgot to update yesterday
class blog!!
say say say :) and font colour changes are fun haha
10:00 PM
haha after PW went to shop for teachers day presents with willy and wen the hao. and i think we prove one point at least. guys are far far FAR more efficient at shopping than girls :) took only 1 hour and we got presents for all our teachers already..
so nice of us la at first only mr lai was getting presents but than we walked past this shop and saw those things then me willy wenhao decided to exceed budget by abit to get something for other teachers in case they get jealous :)
tada then after that willy whined (oops i din say that) until we had to be nice to him and go basement so that he could buy octopus balls or wadever those digusting round things are called. balls are meant to be kicked dude.

koped from dunno where picture
anyway random conversation:
setting: yours truly (its me! its me!) was walking happily from j8 to rj last saturady to mug.
ok fine dont collapse.
i was going rj to play soccer. then i decided to call shaun coz i was a little late liao. i was a little late coz i left my house late. i left my house late coz i ate lunch late. ate lunch late coz i ate breakfast late. ate breakfast late coz i woke up late. woke up late coz i slept late. slept late coz i ... oh wellz i think you get it.
anyway me is M, shaun is S
M: hello where are you all?
S: in rj
M: have you all started playing?
S: er no
M: oh why leh?
S: the ball's stuck on the rj roof
M: o ok. um wait.... THE BALL"S STUCK WHERE?
S: the roof la. marcus kicked it up
M: o realli. i see. ok see you later
o just rmb another richard definition :)
chem definition: those poor little O or H stuck in those [] brackets. eg. [O] or [H]
richard's definition: the smell of sodium (Na)
ok i admit i made up that chem definition.
9:28 PM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
ahhh im so sad.. pluto got kicked out of our solar system :(
some high order beings somewhere in some part of our planet decide that pluto doesnt qualify as a planet coz its just too darn small (or something like that) .. oh wellz size matters
so now our solar system consists of a pathetic eight planets. bah.
byebye pluto
8:30 PM
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
random stuff
wad happens when a bomb drops on takashimaya?
if your father is from iceland and your mother is from cuba, you are an ice-cube :)
Mr Law: the chemistry transparency is out of focus
PJ: lets go for chem focus
yi wen asks: what did the 0 say to the 8?
Fat than fat la.. dont have to wear belt!
wenhao is some za tan smoker......
but Pj says: you shouldnt smoke too much. if not you'll burn a hole in your paper. that hole is called a loophole!
richard's definition..
oral presentation: the act of baring your teeth at people.. grrrr
useful tip on WR:
the length of the written report is inversely propotionate to the length of your footnotes in the written report, such that as your WR decreases in word count and tend towards 3000, your footnotes increase in word count, ceteris paribus
10:40 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
lol just now in msn.. willy told me manu vs fulham match started. then after a while i heard my neighbours scream GOAAAAALLLLLLLLL!!
so i ask willy the score. he say 1-0 to manu. then after another little little while i seem to hear my neighbours scream GOALLLLL again. so i ask again.
scream.. ask again
and scream.. and ask again.. until i blur tiao
so i went check soccernet..
"United floor Fulham
Manchester United score four goals inside the first 20 miuntes at their Premiership opener against Fulham at Old Trafford. Louis Saha rose to head the first goal, Ian Pearce then put the ball in his own net, before Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo showed there was no bad blood between them, each scoring past the helpless Niemi."
oh wellz.. nvm larx. today is manu day. or its fulham's offday. who cares. manu's winning :D
o and random joke from 6f: wad do you call a cornflake eater?
a cereal killer :)
9:21 PM
lol just now in msn.. willy told me manu vs fulham match started. then after a while i heard my neighbours scream GOAAAAALLLLLLLLL!!
so i ask willy the score. he say 1-0 to manu. then after another little little while i seem to hear my neighbours scream GOALLLLL again. so i ask again.
scream.. ask again
and scream.. and ask again
9:21 PM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
stupid fever.. make me even hotter than before :S
and stupid me dunno go school for wad. so hardworking so school take the econs test and then decided not to torture myself so i go home. grand total of 1 hour in school wow.
but go home at least i got to sleep. just slept 8 hours straight and me is still so tired bahhh
9:28 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
wah. just crapped out my individual EoM draft. and still need to go study for physics test tmr
arghz i wanna sleep. and willy just claimed his EoM is "not too bad la mine" :S oh wellz..
but look on the bright side, liverpool currently drawing with chelsea (i heard half my neighbours shouting GOALLLL! and i cant watch it sigh) :) hehe maybe can sneak a win in the end :) and according to live commentary kindly provided by willy thru msn (so modern), ballack and lampard got yellow carded :)
so lets see.. PW barely done (and spoiled several smoke alarms in the process), physics is gonna be like newton (dead), chem is like a beautiful model (pls do not touch) and maths is.. erm. like newton.
life is so exciting :)
10:52 PM
Friday, August 11, 2006
no thx to utopia being down (ughz irritating) im able to blog again :) today finally revealed angels and mortal. and b4 that sabby and i upped out bet to 10 ice milos lol. bleaghz feel quite bad to win so much but.... hehe :)
and im (quite) sure that sabby is my angel even though pj continues to insist that its her. oh wellz.. nvm larz :)
o tmr got CT rep training session. watuf?
1. its already august damit. thats 8 months. so for the past 8 months we've been hopelessly lost and confused isit
2. its already august damit. napfa is over. train wad
3. its 3 hours stuck in an LT. why cant they make it compulsory for everyone in our classes and we just spend those 3 hours with our class talking/bridging/mugging (you bunch of phonies!)
4. they actually specified that its "compulsory" -.-||| huh???? you mean anyone would want to pon it liddat.
finally! i can end with a random comment
6f's dictionary(contributed by hz): "chio-bus": a very good looking bus.
zao ju: singapore has many chio-bus and hot mrts.
9:25 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
im bored. promos in dunno how many days and here i am slacking. ok not slacking. im typing away at my comp and giving you equally bored reader something to read, although if you analysis the past 40 words you've just read you'll realise you've only managed to waste 10 seconds of your life :) ouch
this week so slack, wonder why school cant make friday a holiday too. good idea rite? i bet a lot of ppl will agree [whether opening(students) or secretly(teachers)] then it'll be a really good long break where we can all err study :) yay
ok stop fantasizing.
at least I did something useful today.. PW!! haha yeah PW. realli.
as in, I signed some online petition which calls for PW to be um, in more polite terms, removed from our syllabus :) cant find the site anymore got dc by my comp :( and willy's not responding on msn so i cant post the site here. arghx
i think that petition realli needs more ppl to sign. So far only 70 ba i rmb correctly. shall go get the site from willy tmr and post here :)
o and err b4 I forget the point of this post, happy birthday Singapore! :D you're now 2.411 (3.dp) my age) wowz :)
me is young (and innocent)
a random ending to this post....
...err ok i cant think of any ><>
10:40 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
oh wellz me hopes your maths not so poor thing...

hehe i like this one. x cant realli hide well at all ><

10:09 PM