Sunday, July 30, 2006
o wellz this is one slack weekend. din do much (unless you count achieving baron ranking in utopia)
hehe yay finally a baron. killed 10k peasants and 5 k troops in the process. o and burst 2 egos and probably offended half the enemy kingdom :) not exactly a good position (imagine 6 armies after your province) to be in but oh wellz :p
even this post is going to be slack
done :)
10:30 PM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
random joke by richard (who else)
"how do we know the road runner keeps swearing vulgarities?"
"coz he runs around the screen saying *beep beep*, *beep beep*"
o and i betted 5 ice milos with sabby that my angel is her. tmd if i lose im gonna whack silly willy. gimme false info (oops was i not supposed to say that)
9:28 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
wy just told me this webby
omg go see this is some crazy website :)
11:16 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
lol stayed back whole afternoon in school today and got even more confused about who my angel is.. though pj insists thats its her and she sounds convincing ..
and tmd no thx to woohan and his analysis (and analysis of his own analysis). both are screwed up and trying to screw my thinking but he refuses to admit it. wanted to push him over from second floor just now :)
hm then i think (i heard 3 three variations) i know eugene's angel :) yay
then suddenly time disappeared and its 5. so being a hardworking and um studious student :) i went to crash h3 maths :) since h3 chem is like very the foreign to me, i thought maths might be better..
hehe um guess wad.. it actually is (its rude to stare)
actually understood wad the lecturer said lol. then pj was studying chem and huizhen was er studying h3 maths of a different topic :S how intelligent :p
o and miki was sitting very the far far away
o and err b4 maths pj being very cunning was setting trap (either on purpose or accident) and err made huizhen said um.. something :) which, since i value my life, i shall not blog here :)
9:35 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
ok i still dont know whos my angel (fine im dumb. the whole world knows except me)
but nvm. i got more sweets :)
im feeling very guilty and greedy now so angel if you are reading this then omg stop giving me sweets~~ and pls go tag and tell me who you are thankyouverythemuch :)
ok candy time ^^
6:15 PM
ok i still dont know whos my angel (fine im dumb. the whole world knows except me)
but nvm. i got more sweets :)

im feeling very guilty and greedy now so angel if you are reading this then omg stop giving me sweets~~ and pls go tag and tell me who you are thankyouverythemuch :)
ok candy time ^^
6:15 PM
Monday, July 17, 2006
damit national band comp lost to tj :( sad case la some more play some song. bleaghz :(
and today is some ggxx day. so tired. and needed to chiong chem tut. and now im so tired tmr still got tuts and more tuts. and i never find out who my angel it.. getting more and more confused only la haha
though i think im getting closer :) *think*
anyway it doesnt seem to be sab the bee
law says:
silly sabby ; says:
law says:
the way you talk
silly sabby ; says:
what did she write that sounds like me IMPOSTER
law says:
haha maybe its you lor
law says:
law says:
i shall rmb this convo when everything is revealed
law says:
silly sabby ; says:
and so will i
silly sabby ; says:
then i'll print it out roll it up and knock your head
law says:
law says:
thx ah
law says:
scarly its me knocking your head
silly sabby ; says:
no chance lo
silly sabby ; says:
hmphhh monday i shall go ask who your angel is
silly sabby ; says:
put me through all this torture
law says:
i think i know yours
law says:
law says:
maybe its me
silly sabby ; says:
i think i know mine. and its not you
silly sabby ; says:
law says:
hrhr how you know
law says:
dont be fooled you know
silly sabby ; says:
i suspect ---------- (ok i censored this :p)
law says:
law says:
ok i said nothing
silly sabby ; says:
anyway you wont be so suay to get me for your angel la
silly sabby ; says:
thats damn sad
law says:
haha why
law says:
i like chocs
silly sabby ; says:
then go get from your angel la haiyoh you arhs
silly sabby ; says:
law says:
ok i shall reply and get more chocs
law says:
ok i am so greedy
law says:
sry sry
silly sabby ; says:
wahbiang you. wait i find out who your angel is i'll tell her you write to her just to get chocs
law says:
law says:
dont be evil
law says:
im not so greedy
law says:
you dont have to give chocs one
silly sabby ; says:
BISHHHHH im not your angel -meditates before i burst a blood vessel-
law says:
~looks for signs of lying~ realli meh
silly sabby ; says:
for the lastlastlastlastlast time... YES im not your angel
law says:
silly sabby ; says:
you super lousy at guessing
law says:
ok la
see so doesnt seem like her..
or maybe she's some oscar winning actress in disguise :p
8:54 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
i love weekends :) get to sleep so much :)
and i wonder who is my angel :)
10:12 PM
Friday, July 14, 2006
arghz now that world cup is over no more late nights for me.
and no more heart attacks either :)
haix finally got back all my results (err wad GP). being smart i shouldnt comment. cause when you get sub normal results theres no point talking about it. it either
1. gives ppl who did better than you (a majority) a good chance to gloat and brag and ego (tsk)
2. gives ppl who did worse than you (HIII!! :D:D) a good reason to whack you anyway
so see? no point. ggxx
just now surfing around to find new template for blog. and i wasted one hour plus. cause all the blogskins are either too dark too light too dull too plain too stupid too crazy too crap and basically too lousy (never EVER trust those "blogskin of the day!!" thingies. unless of course you did one yourself)
too bad waste my time. shall find again some other day :)
just now h3 chem was some bomb lecture. stoned there for two hours before i realised the lecturers are actually speaking english and not some foreign languages. but be optimistic. at least i was awake and listening (ok i mean TRYING to listen) :) half the LT disappear into dreamland already.
ok time to sleep. still got band tmr. and competition on sunday. yay i love my weekends. (at least the parts of which i am asleep =D)
10:33 PM
Sunday, July 09, 2006
yay thx to germany and that very nice of a guy Schweinsteiger (ok i dunno him personally so wad. not everyone is so privileged so dont feel sad for him)
i won a bubble tea :) haha suddenly i like germany alot more.
ok tmr (fine its only 6 horus away) france shall win. very simple reason.
dont care about statistics.
or class.
or form.
or history.
the important thing is i betted TWO bubble teas that they will win :)
therefore they shall :D
(yeah dont look dumbfounded. i just explained the simplest theory to you. dont have to be einstein to understand that)
hehe btw if france wins (and of course they will) jeff is so going to cry (oh noo he will too). he's gonna lose like 8 bubble teas at last count.
9:10 PM
Friday, July 07, 2006
omg got backstabbed by a kingdom in utopia. so pissed. next time new policy liao. dont bother cease fire with anyone. just smash them into pulp.. talk of surrender can come later :)
o and i got Excellent for both chem and physics (at least thats how I intepret it :p)
its actually higher than wad i expected la lol.
physics proved something to me. sometimes you just need luck to do well. mcq i only got like 12? and thats upon like erm 36. 33.333% = 33.3% (3 s.f.)
ok i know thats higher than the supposedly randomly luck factor of 25.0%.. BUT. you tink i never study isit????
(ah shutup that was a rhetoric question)
and in case you havent heard of the new grading system (aka the one circulating among ppl who has never got an A before)
Done ok
Unbelievable (or something like that la i cant rmb hehe)
so see? you dont have to be too concerned if you din get As. its ok.
anyone who plays bridge (yeah yeah dont hide la you 4 sitting at the back) can tell you that. its not just the Aces that matter. there are always the kings, queens and jacks :) or the draw twos, skips and jacks :)
o and err hehe help me do survey! its for PW and it concerns ilearning (or part of it anyway)
yay thankyou (im assuming you did it, dont cheat me of my thanks)
9:15 PM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
omg wad happened. england got KO-ed out of the world cup by that team called portugal.
walao eh.
had to go thru the same thing as 2 years ago when portugal KO them out of Euro. tmd.
last time i thought england deserved to go out. now im hoping zizou and co can thrash portugal and send them home. kick them home i mean.
when i see lampard miss penalty i was like .. ohnnoooo. then (watuf) everyone follow his example and miss except that owen guy. walao eh. england two timed lady luck too many times liao. last few games they get thru on luck. on she's smarter and decided to dump england. haix
stupid divers and cheaters in the match. and manu should sell ronaldo. mabbe hollywood would consider signing him anyway.
8:10 PM