Wednesday, April 26, 2006
haha just now band prac.. oura gave short break.
then it rained b4 prac so everyone was very cold and with 6 air cons blasting (dont underestimate ri band room aircon) everyone was um.. very very cold :)
so got break la very good then glen and me decide to go get a drink..
problem was (if you haven noticed yet), RI no more canteen.. so we went to dining hall to see got anything or not.. then all the vending machines there sell cold drinks.. but then the stall person still there (yay) so we bought coffee la :)
good coffee made with coffee maker haha :) not those lousy ones from vending machines..
such a romantic date.. 2 hot people (tyty), one romantic place (um.. a dark RI shaw foundation ceremonial hall), and two romantic drinks (coffee)
set in a romantic background (a drizzly late wednesday evening), a romantic occasion (break during band prac) and with a romantic reason (we are cold and coffee is hot)
simple pleasures of life :)
10:05 PM
Sunday, April 23, 2006
ok break from doing PI...
yay one special post but PJ din want me to post..
but (ahem ahem) in the name of... um freedom of speech!, in the name of democracy!, in the name of integrity!, and in the name of blogging crap!, i'll still post anyway :)
anyway we were msning about GP, then i dunno wad happend we started crapping
God's Gift says:
row row row ur boat
law says:
gently down the stream
God's Gift says:
and if u see a ^^ WAIT DONT WANT TO RITE HER NAME!
God's Gift says:
because then we must scream
law says:
dont forget to scream
God's Gift says:
hee hee
law says:
God's Gift says:
God's Gift says:
ok the original version wasnt like this.. it was the correct one with a certain name (im so sry mrs singh).. but i forgot to save that convo.. so this one was replayed version we did again just now (in the name of freedom of speech!, democracy!... ahh well you get the idea )
btw PJ um.. din approve of posting this on blog
so i was like im still gonna post it anyway
God's Gift says:
dont blog abt mrs signh ah!
God's Gift says:
if not tomorrow i cling onto ur neck
law says:
God's Gift says:
law says:
im feeling EVILLLLLLL
law says:
i feel evil brewing
God's Gift says:
then go make coffee
so this is the screwed up version..
ok back to PI
8:48 PM
Friday, April 21, 2006
i realised i very long never come blogspot liao :) i mean..
i realised i very long never come blogspot liao :(
haha coz i no pics i dont want to blog.. that day we (finally) got our stickfas toys and during break we (richard) were posing stickfas in um.. strange positions that suggests violent and sadistic stuff going on in our (richard's) mind :)
oops sry richard.. haha ok i shall get my pics somehow (*ahem* eugene pls send them back to me)
today got napfa haha yay got my gold :)
broke my 2.4 record (muahahahahaha) and pull up record (muahahahahaha)
muahahahahaha :D
ok nvm being lame
talking about being lame, i happen to be in a very interesting module for civics elective..
its called
All i really need to know i learned in kindergarden
anyway i'll post wad the msg said
so you have decided to enroll yourself at our kingdergarden to find out if all you really need to know... you learned in kindergarden?! GREAT!
your first day of school will begin at 8.05am on 25 april 06 at the AVT. For the first day, we would require each of you to bring the following items:
- a pair of scissors
- glue of scotch tape
- some old magazines
- some kindergarden photos
see ya!
now before you get jealous (dont even try begging to swap with you.. you know it wont work), i'll try to be nice and post here wadever we learn :)
as a side note our kingdom in utopia won the war
Relation summary:
Total Attacks Made: 98 (12964 acres)
Total Attacks Suffered: 37 (5211 acres)
Net change: 7753 acre(s)
call this a war? lol we owned them :)
haix i am so freaking temtped to post my kingdom's spam forum thread here :)
but its abit um.. o well lets just say i'll rate it PG (powerfully gross)..
haix ok nvm i shall anyway :)
Grandma Corleone TBH (36:4) April 9th, YR0 (btw he's the monarch)
Elven mist potion - 15gc
Orc blood brew - 2gc
Jar of beer - 5gc
Halfling sized beer - 1gc
The bartender is drunk so don't expect to much.
Dark Squad 13 (36:4) July 9th, YR11
All of you shall have inflames entertain you with his stripper moves.
I shall have my own personal entertainment by Jessica Alba.
inflames (36:4) July 10th, YR11
theres no pole so i cant do it
Grandma Corleone TBH (36:4) July 10th, YR11
Your wizards gather their runes and begin casting. The spell consumes 6666 Runes and ... is successful! Our tavern has gained a stripper pole for 17 days!
There you go inflames ;D
inflames (36:4) July 15th, YR11
sorry ppl i errrrrrrrrrr ill yes thats it i am too ill to do it :<
Grandma Corleone TBH (36:4) February 3rd, YR12
Your wizards gather their runes and begin casting. The spell consumes 666 Runes and ... is successful! Our mages has turned inflames into a obese stripper no one wants to look at for 17 YEARS!
inflames (36:4) February 8th, YR12
well thats 1 way 2 get outta it
DizZyLanD (36:4) February 21st, YR12
You send your thieves, and the operation commences...
Early indications show that our operation was a stunning success.
Our thieves were able to steal Jessica Alba before Dark Squad defiled her.
all is right in the world now.
DizZyLanD (36:4) February 22nd, YR12
This aid shipment has added 1 hour to Dark Squad's lap dance time.
We have sent 1 Gold Coin to inflames (36:4). It should arrive shortly!
All yours, man.
ok the next few msgs get worse and worse until um... erm.. yeah. until ERM (Extremely Rated Materials)
haha such a fun kingdom :)
7:54 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
yay im busy (yea rite) doing PW (yeah rite) then got ppl tell me they are bored and now im suppsoed to blog so they wont be bored..
anyway i was stuck and i dunno wad to do for PW so i just thought i'll do on blogs :DD
(arghz i see all the theiving glances coming this way.. dont kope my idea leh :D)
anyway so i was surfing to look for background info and i came across this webby..
its a thingy for students to go blog (and complain) about school, life, current affairs and stuff like that..
if you are bored go read.. theres a very nice title called The Stupidity Of PW. -_-
...erm ok i shant comment on that :D
haix yesterday went band.. then i gave my very stupid (but very funny in my opinion) speech on why i should be bm or abm..
haix so scary la still go switch off lights in the band room.. and ask all those funny questions which i obviously dont have the answer to :(
haix if im in a good mood maybe i'll post my speech here :D
o haha then interviews liao must go relieve stress mah.. so went play soccer a while :D
erm never play too badly la.. hat trick of goals, hat trick of misses and hat trick of assits only :PP
haha was lucky that day i suppose.. every shot went right :D
our class recently getting more and more scandalous liao.. that day b4 rec bad we (me eugene sab the bee PJ vaish) were talking about ermmm *stuff*.
then i think sabby very confused and blur now :(
haha poor thing
anyway since we are so scandalous it wont hurt to put in some pics :D

haha oops dont come and kill me ah sabby :)
10:09 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
yesterday i was watching anime in my room.. then my sis came in to ask me something (i think its maths haha :D)
then suddenly she gave a small (yeah) shriek and pointed to something on the floor behind me.
so (never underestimate the shriek of a girl) i turned around and saw this fellow taking a leisure stroll across my bedroom floor!

guess its size.
oh, you want hint? its an ant.
and my phone camera zoom not very the good..
so being a hardworking student with a scientific mind (haha :D) i take out ruler to measure it :D

*blink blink*
i assure you this picture has not been edited in anyway.
thats a 15 cm ruler you can buy at any bookshop for about 40 cents..
so i got a shock.
that THING living in MY room???!!!!!!
ggxx liao.
maybe it was sleeping under my bed and last night it decided that a nightime walk in the room would benefit its overlarge body.
on a totally random note,
yay more pics :)

haha so cute :)
council elections in full swing now. its gonna be a see saw ride for most ppl and many ppl will come sliding down to the blunt reality that nobody wants them in council.
for us its just a nice merry go round ride as we vote on um.. who has the best calibre to be councillor, where calibre= willingness and ability to treat us to ice lemon tea :) or even better have ice milo :D
haha *hint hint* :PPP
9:22 PM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
wah dead tired now but i shall still post :)
raffles trail was dam dam fun :D
even though the saying goes "its not about the prize, its about having fun"
(ok i lied there is no such saying, not that i know of anyway. that quote came from jianwei)
but the point is i define fun as winning an ipod video :DDDDDDD:PP
sure, you can live life without ipod video, but you definitely CAN live life WITH a ipod video, and you can be sure life becomes better one way or another :)
haha anyway raffles trail was just running around singapore and doing task and running somemore until we all super tired.
no lunch (ok la got kaya buns), no toilet (ok technically every well grown bush/cluster of plants with many leaves is a toilet, as wenhao and woohan shown :PP )
oh nooo did i just reveal something... :D
first we go NUS. then it decided to rain. then we took so long to find that place.
then we go MOE teachers network. then RGPS (WHERE WE GOT NO POINTS AT ALL, no thx to the 25 groups who got there b4 us :(...). then we go toa payoh(run and run and run), then we risk it go back to city hall. wanted to go raffles place also but no time liao. so came back to RJ at 3:27pm !! :D
just on time la haha we very optimistic one :D
o and we were running all over singapore in those funky (shuttup) orange shoelaces :)
so yeah we lost by quite alot (i think) but at least we had fun la.. then at the end that RI campus superstar still want to sing song (due to um popular demand) but our group (being pragmatic as usual) decided to go EAT first :)
then of bridge :DDDDDDD
then when we playing our 2 metre tall principal came and buy food also.. then i extra extra go stand to him.. and i um.. was as tall as him. oh welll i mean his shoulder -_-
so now i just reached home (and apparently woo han is still going cycling and wen hao wants to go street dancing) and on my way home i bought macs to eat. supposed to eat at home but the fries looked so delicious so i ate on the way instead :D
then wy called me "eh mervin ah did you all win that thing?"
me "no la we lost"
wy "eeyerr so lousy one you all.. dont want to talk to you liao. bye"
ok tired me.. shall go slack now
7:36 PM
Friday, April 07, 2006
yay tomoro is such an important day!! muahahhahaha
yes it is. coz its RJC 25th anniversary :DD
ok everyone lets start partying to celebrate this :)
1. celebrate monday no school
2. celebrate tomoro is RAFFLES TRAIL!!
wahahaha. yes tmr will be damm fun la.
can win ipod video.
tmd never mug street directory and bus guide :(
(oops i realised im never this hardworking for tests...)
oh nooo (covers face).. PJ wants me to give her the ipod if i win...
ahhh oh noooo
haix few days ago we were playing hide and seek
then PJ was like.. if weiliang, mervin and wenhao hides in the small fire hose place.. and eugene is the seeker.. he will knock on the door with his badminton racket.
and mervin will say "WHAAATTT?" and then eugene will reply "WHAAAATTT?"
then wenhao (:DDDD) says "shuttup" and weiliang says "oh noooo (covers face)"
and eugene opens the door and everyone says "watuf?"
yay hide and seek is FUN.
just now band got games. and just as i thought we have enough of putting shaving cream/tooth paste (a total waste of resources) on pple'e cheeks and passing them around for fun, the band j2s decide that we should do it again!
walao tmd la. smelt of toothpaste on my way home i think. and plus wearing that erm... strange looking shoelaces (i mean very STRANGE, where strange is a subset of not-nice-looking)(also known as ugly), i think everyone was staring at me :(
ok that shouldnt be a sad face.. i mean EVERYONE WAS STARING AT ME!!! :DDDDDD
yes i am the centre of the world :D
haix dunno why everyone thinks those shoelaces are ugly.. seems that only our class thinks its nice.
so sad :(
oh noooo oops sry i forgot sabby bought those :P
ok i should be mugging bus guide now wad on earth am i doing ahhhhhh
ok i shall post tmr again.
if im not tired (like real)
or too sad (oh nooooo...)
or too happy (haha then too bad for you :D)
9:00 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
that isnt really anything to be particularly happy about actually..
but since a slack (and very fun) weekend is coming (raffles trail!!! muahahaha).. er wait weekend not coming. but tomoro is friday timetable so haha lets all fool ourselves that the weekend is coming :)
just now assembly got some bone marrow programme.. i wanna sign up ahhh.. but stupidly its on saturday and i'll be running all over singapore to complete tasks so i can win an ipod vidoe :) or nano :DD
then after that talk is chem.. then me and weiliang were late coz um.. everyone else was earlier than us..
then we go into LT 3 no more seats liao lor so sad :( then we see woo han squeezing in between jian wei and wen hao (brokeback liao) then me and weiliang just sat on the floor :(
haix poor us. so during the lecture i was just randomly commenting i was hungry.. then suddenly ruth said she selling food :) and its for charity and she made it herself (proded) so haha weiliang bought cookies and small little pineapple tarts and we all eat (haha tyty weiliang)
much needed boost to stay awake :D
wah utopia my kingdom mate just found someone totally noob in another kingdom but with like twice my networth.. lol how he survive so big without getting whacked..
i dont mind though.. free gold and runes for me :DD
anyway since that msg appeared in my forums i think that province lost about half his networth :SS
total noob even non attackers can get thru that pathetic defense..
ok i shall go get my free gold from him now muahahaha
7:50 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
hahahaha so fun went class outing.
i notice a trend.. when im late, everyone will be early. when im early, everyone will be late o.O
tmd something wrong liao
anyway so erm about 5 pple where there at 11:15 so we went play pool first to wait for everyone else to come.

this woo han ah... very pro at bridge.. but hor always want to be ambitious when he play pool.. haha then kena suaned totally by shi jun :)
lol and shi jun was PRO. and i din know he can suan ppl so well haha :DDDD

lol weiliang was super yandao and cool. and very nice hair :)
and very pro at pool
anyway the outing was at 11am..
so 11:15am i called him..
ME "yoyo where are you man?"
WL "im coming im coming"
ME "yala but where are you??"
WL "walking towards the bus stop"
ME ".... o.O"
then he was late liao so he decided to take cab..
he walks into cab
cab driver "eh yandao (handsome), where you wanna go?"
weiliang "eh dunit to praise me la.. no tips one"

o this is me!!
lousy at pool damit :(

oh noo... he ahh.. permantly have to look cool one :)
... hmmm wonder wads written on his shirt.. typo?

this is US.

and more US. (ono poor PJ kena blocked)(and oh noooo weiliang so yandao again)
primary 07S06F :)
PS: for those who din come.. i think weiliang planning to start shooting a series of very UNFORTUNATE events soon......... with the absentees as the star cast :)
9:22 PM