Tuesday, February 28, 2006
walao i totally changed my mind about being sick..
i said that before one or two weeks ago.. but apparently it din help.
monday after after physics test i more or less died.
1. i dont think i'll even get double digits
2. headache like siao during the test ok.. dont blame me for not doing well
then after lunch got fever liao..
38.4 degrees (see im such a good boy bring thermometer to school everyday.. ever ready for any bird flu/SARS and wadever other screwed up disease outbreak)
then i started wondering whether to go home or not coz it cost me painfully to know that i have to miss lessons if i go home.
aiya in the end still went home la..
lucky i did.
reach home fever reach 38.8 liao yay
supposed to go see doctor one but i fell asleep accidentally until 8 plus pm..
maybe its coz of the panadol..
anyway that panadol thingy gave me another headache..
somehow theres three types of panadol i have at home..
one says for cold relief.. the other one for fever and one more for joints and muscles ache.
tmd lor i all three also got.. so i have to take three isit..
so then decide go see doctor..
my mother thinks chinese doctor is better so (being a good boy as usual) i anything lor..
then walao i never knew these doctors can cause so much pain..
i thought its like he take my pulse, gimme some lousy tasting medicine and i can zao home to sleep liao.
fat hope.
the doctor was like.. hmm 身體很多熱氣.. so must get rid of it..
so he use that suck thingy (ya it sucks literally) so suck my flesh out so it looks very disgusting..
then tmd do one time not enough must do alot of time..
then i though no more liao.
obese hope again..
he took these flat plastic thingy and started to help me rub my back..
erm maybe rub isnt a very appropriate word to use here..
attack would be better..
ya anyway attack until bleed :(
ouch man..
was tryin so hard to keep silent throughout :SS
and then i thought wah finally over liao isit..
dream on man..
he takes out these very not nice looking needles and decides that my head needs a little hole poking :(
haix i thought acupuncture would even happen to me
so he poke those needles into my head :S
took a picture of myself.. looks so gross with needles sticking out of my head :S
then since have to wait for the needle thingy to have effect must as well do something constructive rite?
so he use thise bunch of very sharp thingys (i think its needles but i din turn around to look :S) to start tapping my back again..
walao eh now i really dam pain lor..
tmd tmd
then after all these still must use that sucking thingy again..
when he finish the sucking thingy was red. with blood.
MY blood.
o just went to search on internet..
apparently this thingy is called cupping :S
such an ingenius name..

looks so gross wth..
also dunno why how come got blood one..
anyway koped it from www.stanstudio.com/page.asp?page_id=53\
which apparently is a photography site not a medicine site..
so now my back is full of red patches everywhere :(
and then still have to take medicine like this

i've never tasted shit.. but im prepared to bet this isnt far behind.. :S
haix being sick is not good.
spent 2 days sleeping and sleeping and err.. sleeping.
and erm thx everyone for asking how i am :)
i suppose model answer would be im fine..
yeah but im not :(
im soo honest rite.. :D
o and esp thx ppl who ask me why im not dead yet.
sry to disappoint you..
but thx anyways..
gave me the optimisim to go on living haha :D
ok i feel another headache coming..
shall go sleep some more
yay :(
5:11 PM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
lol play concert coming liao..
so everyone should come and listen..
anyways i shall do more publicisin here :)
erm the songs are quite nice la i think..
even though dam tiring to play (poor me)
erm cant rmb all..
its something like.. merry widow, foster in my mind, highlights from pocahontas, pearl harbour soundtrack, the incredibles, john williams flight of fantasy (which means ET, harry potter and star wars), 童話, petite suite, some cute jap song which i cant rmb name, and erm some other stuff which i also cant remember la :D
haha oya we playing treasure island for the encore so come and shout encore :)
very nice concert
only 4 bucks..
and its last two days of school (which also means chem lecture test is just over which means i will have no time to study before it :(( so sad )
haix but its so tiring to play all the songs..
saturday band prac practise until want to drop dead..
the band supposed to spilt into smaller bands to play different songs one.. but somehow me and jasmine have to play every single song..
so when ppl go rest we are playing.
and when ppl come in to play we also continue playing.
see so hardworking rite :S
wah so freaking tired man
then afternoon still got sectionals.
ggxx liao lor.
o then in the middle of band prac mr lai suddenly called me.
gave me a shock then i din know whether to pick up the phone or not.
lucky rmb to put on silent..
anyways i din pick up but i smsed him back to ask him why he call then he daoed me :(
so during lunch i called him back and he said he wanted me to erm represent school go the state funeral of Mr S Rajaratnam.. :)
lol so anyways too late it was over liao la.
just now chatted with PJ and she said mr lai also smsed her and (by some strange (or mabbe not so strange) coincidence) wenhao to ask them to go.
so i was surprised coz wenhao went but PJ din go even though she knew wenhao went..
then i asked her why.. and she insisted "i dont crush him man!"
(did i mention her display pic on msn was photo of wenhao)
so scandalous.
she says she use the dp is only because " the pic very cute!"
i see.. and guess who is in the pic to make it look cute to her :D
then she ended of the convo with
"byeee :)
i mean i like..
but not like like.
hee hee"
wow did i just start a new wave of scandals..
oops that was totally coincidental.
but not exactly unintended :)
anyways i was still talking about saturday..
after sectionals i very tired liao..
then still have to rush home and then rush off to some place to celebrate my grandfather's birthday..
see im sucha busy person.
tomoro still got physics test..
for those who haven studied.. well done!
even i started abit already.
but i decided to take a break a while so i went play utopia :D
suddenly my trade balance was -206,243gc :)
wow thats like 7 times my daily income now :DD
haha so fun so fun everyone gives me aid..
so got fabulously rich muahahahahaha..
now must find some way to get rid of that lousy trade balance :)
ok i slack so long liao..
shall go and study abit more physics then sleep..
dont want to screw up totally tomoro :D
8:04 PM
Friday, February 24, 2006
lol drama feste was cold.
was sitting directly under that freaking aircon..
tmd and i happen to be wearing pe :SS
shivering throughout the show..
the plays very absract though haha..
no idea wad some plays are talking about :S
or maybe im just dumb
anyways reach home very late yesterday.. din do any tutorials.
not that i would have done it la lol
but always assume the unexpected.
anyway im dead bored now.. so i went to start playing utopia AGAIN :)
lol everytime im bored i go start new account..
then when im busy i dont play often.
and my kingdom mates kill me anyways haha
so this time i decided to be different.
i chose to be a lady instead of a knight :D
i thought it wouldnt make much difference but apparently it does.
i only started playing for like 2 days and already got 2 pple voting for me to be monarch :DD
and they have like no idea who on earth i am.
maybe coz im the only "lady" in the whole kingdom haha :D
wonder wad''ll happen if i go forums ask for aid.
think i'll drown in gold coins :D
so despo these ppl
maybe i'll play seriously and become the queen.
then i'll jack everyone and tell them im not female
lol wonder wad they will do to me haha :)))
i'll probably die immediately.. but its worth the try :PP
haha so fun.
thursday b4 drama feste had band..
then that day happen to brought my instrument..
so erm.. knowing that i'll leave early for band i very hardworkingly practised in class during lunch break :)
see so yong gong.
then during chem lecture marcus was saying his maths teacher got pissed coz they had a lesson it was dam noisy..
haha ggxx :D
just now maths tutorial, teacher came in late and said:" im sorry just gimme a minute to regain my breath. i climbed the stairs up"
take 2 if you like.
i dont even mind if she takes 5 minutes..
i mean.. she's pregnant la.
dont be evil lor. even though we all obviously desperately want to start tutorials, we are understanding pple :D
today friday already and i actually din notice..
have been busy lately.
busy stoning.
so happily during maths i suddenly realised, WOW, another weekend coming !
made me so happy i wanna play bridge.
o btw haha must show off here.
woo han's 8 game winning streak of bridge got equaled by me liao :D
yay joint holders now haha
then erm apparently other ppl also very happy.
look at our class door

looks unfamiliar rite.
since when rj so creative got red and blue door thingys.
so look closer and then ahhhh
so it came from that hole :)

someone very the enthu about leaving the class room or something :P
pulled the whole thingy out of the wall
lol just came back from eastpoint.
went there for dinner but dunno why also.
pet safari under renovation :(
no nice pets to see
and tm so much closer..
anyways i trying out web cam with more ppl.. then some ppl so wuliao go take screenshot of me.
looks so ugly

wy got 2 screenshots.. and the other one is super ugly so i shant post it here.
according to him i look like a SHARK.
tmd im like how innocent how to be a shark
tsk tsk
ok shall go play a while now.
tomoro still got band haix
lol happy weekend.
5:43 PM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
not fun liao..
now alot of ppl know i bring a camera that doesnt look like a camera to school.
nvm still managed to get lots of pics b4 that haha :D

apparently im not the only one who likes taking pics lol :D

then there are always those very camera shy ones lol

managed to get posed photos also haha but my cam so lousy so the pics are lousy :(

anyways i wasnt planning to take any pictures today actually..
until econs tutorial started..
today had to present the essay outline plan..
then our grp very the pro one just finished this morning b4 school started.
so richard immediately very bravely said "lets be the sacrificial lambs to go first!!"
and out he went.
to present our very lousy essay plan.
lol so embarrassing.
stupid point about budget 2006.
no idea why i included that point.

anyway poor richard here presenting :(
and poor me taking this lousy photo.
anyway my sitting place today was perfect for daydreaming
i look out of the window i see this..

with a small typhoon blowing constantly..
then my eyes want to close liao
oya i discovered my camera can use as webcam also..
coz kunda invited my to start web cam suddenly while i was uploading pics so i just accepted then haha it worked :D
very interesting convo..
coz i had a web cam and he didnt
but he had a microphone and i didnt.
lol so he could see me but cannot hear me and i can hear him but cannot see him :DDD
haha so funny
4:18 PM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
lol today im still sick.. but being a hardworking, school-loving person i still went to school..
lol then erm today first day no bridge in rjc.. feel weird.
but saw ppl playing uno.. erm i mean.. playing with uno cards..
no idea wad they playing haha :D
anyways was really really struggling to keep alive in class.. so dam tired i just want to go sleep peacefully until lesson end.
then lesson ended liao hor still got econs project to do... i mean.. supposed to do.
in the end richard went off in 10 minutes.. and the rest of the group.. ahem.. went to discuss whether to take chinese or not this year..

coz they think their B3s not good enough.
and they were happily discussing whether this year's syllabus was more difficult or not..
while richard (who happen to get C6 but seem contented) and me (who happen to get.. ahem :DDD and IS very contented) just sat there and do ourselves..
so hardworking.. :)
yay haha since my hp cable still refuses to work i brought my small little camera to school :D
nobody knew it was a camera haha coz it doesnt look like one in the first place.. :D
yup this is fun..
shall bring again tomoro :)
anyways then after a while i thought they finish discussing already.. but they went on to talk about other stuff.. and doing other stuff.. got their pics also but i shall be nice and not post it here..
then when i finally thought they really finish liao i very happy..
then suddenly shijun came and tell me to bring home the econs transparencies coz they are going to the general office to ask more about chinese.. :S
then i said no thx i shouldnt be so evil and kope all the work to do even though i would thoroughly enjoy it :SS
then he say take la take leh we need to go liao..
then i was dont want dont want dont want...
in then end i really din take..
i thought shijun nice guy.. or priscilla nice girl took it home.
but when i went to take my bag.. the tmd piece of transparecy was under my bag..
and my grp members all zao liao..
tsk tsk tsk.
6:04 PM
Monday, February 20, 2006
i have no idea why i am sitting here in front of my comp blogging.
it says alot about me.
maths tutorial- undone.
chem summary- not touched.
physics tutorial- clean.
econs worksheet- yet to dig out from my file
but i have a reason ok..
im sick.
so im allowed to rest now.
so dont bother me la..
lol suddenly miki started asking me about homework for tomoro..
thats like speaking foreign language to me.
and yes by some coincidence he knows that too so he's asking me in malay.
so i dont understand.
so i tell him i only speak chinese english and singlish.
o i know msn language and sms language too :)
and btw just let me show off my language abilities..
我會說四種話﹕大話, 笑話, 夢話 和 實話 :)
oya i know 廢話 also :D
am very good at this language :D
anyway apparently my comp spoil liao..
cant type in simplified chinese so too bad go learn traditional chinese haha :D
today i changed my mind about wanting to be sick.
i dont like it.
feel dam lousy now.
now im like typing this with eyes closed or something coz they keep watering coz i keep sneezing coz of my stupid flu.
and im not even sure whether im sick enough to skip school tomoro.
but anyways being sick is only part of the reason.
i could have lived with that..
but tmd today RJC decided to ban poker cards from school.
that was like ...........................................................!
my motivation of going to school is like gone liao lor :SS
maybe we should start bringing uno cards..
or mahjong cards.
or mahjong tiles for that matter.
haix am still feeling very very very the lousy now..
even talking crap doesnt cure me..
wow really must be some kinda of evil illness sia..
ok nvm i shall go sleep..
i trust 周公 to help me :DDD
8:30 PM
Sunday, February 19, 2006
today i gained immeasurable ammount of wisdom.
there are two reasons for that:
1. wisdom cannot be measurd.
2. my maths suck anyway.
lol haha yea i was talking about measuring.. not wisdom.
coz i shall share that wisdom here..
in case your weekend tries to run away again.. i have a fool(genius) proof plan..
use it before that happens.
so on sat.. i reached home at 3 plus..
and i started sleeping at about 4pm ..
today i woke up at 8am :D
see so no matter how the weekend tries to run, i've already made full use of it.
very cheem rite.
haha sleeping rox.
now i feel tired once again.
so i shall go sleep soon :D
anyway just now i wanted to rest my eyes for a little while..
so i took off my specs and left them SOMEWHERE.
then after a while i realised i need to come online to discuss physics report with my group (incidentally none of them are online now)
so i tried looking for my specs..
and tmd i realised they are GONE.
so i was like ok lor.. you wanan play hide and seek i play with you..
so i started looking high and low (and north and south and east and west)
but then where on earth is my freaking specs??!!
(i own the globe rmb..)
so there it was.. the mysterious mystery of mervin's missing specs :S
tmd why couldnt specs start with M also haha :D
maybe next time i'll lose my macdonalds meal lol :)
but ANYWAYS my point was i lost the hide and seek.
but the problem here was you cant just shout out to the specs that hey you won! so can you pls come out now.. :SS
so anyway but sheer erm.. luck?.. i rmb.
its in my piano!
thats dumb i know..
left it there when i was playing and just closed the piano without realising anything.
yay so now i have my specs again.
good :)
so back to physics.. supposed to draw a diagram and explain the principles of physics behind it..
problem was my grp so pro that the yacht moved without sails..
so now we gotta a problem.. dunno how to explain haha :D
now i feel like counting the number of times i sneeze..
im gonna fall sick soon..
got flu liao and i sneeze like an average of once per 30 seconds.
feeling giddy from all those sneezes.
maybe i should go sleep.
its so tempting...
if i yawn anymore i shall split at my ears :D
haha so cute this description..
koped it from lotr..
ok shall go finish up my drawing and then go sleep liao.
8:36 PM
Friday, February 17, 2006
haha finally just got pics from yiwen :D
thx man :D
i mean thx girl :D
haha anyways pics are on yahoo groups.
i mean OUR yahoo groups.
primary 6 F :)
so to make other ppl jealous i shall post them here anway haha :D

ppl who find electric chairs very fun :)
and worth 50 cents haha :D

2 very egoistic ppl.
i mean.. erm 2 pro ct reps :D

haha no idea wads going on here :)

the science centre is a place for ppl young and old..
oops i mean... young and erm younger :D

this guy thinks his ego very the big, so he can use that fly fly thingy to block the rain haha :D

class photo!
haha we rawk :D
9:09 PM
lol today i still no pic. haix
coz yiwen dont want to come online when im online.. so i cant get her to send me those pics lol..
anywaywayway today was a very tiring day..
coz yesterday i slept at 1 am..
then woke up at 5am :(
was dying in lectures and tutorials..
coz of the stupid posters.
put posters up on wall need rjc council chops.
and tmd they freaking need blue tack too.
and i din freaking tmd bring.
lucky the ppl who paste it up yesterday were very generous..
use ultra alot of blue tack for the posters so i just erm.. re-allocate scarce resources to 200 wants.
yup :D econs pro.
so now there are (i think) 200 PLAY posters all over the school.
i like the rubber band one haha :)
speaking of PLAY, ppl come support us!
we need to sell tickets.. so come buy from us haha.
shall do shameless publicity here :D
its on 9 and 10 of march.. at this nice place called RJC performing arts centre..
it'll be nice i think (hope).. :D
playing theme songs from ET, hedwig, star wars, incredibles etc.
and erm. ya its 4 bucks very cheap :)
so come.
oya i almost forgot.
IM (yes its me me and memememememememe) playing too!
so come ya :PPPPPPPPPPP
o speaking of coming to concerts, i used to persuade eugene to come for band concerts during ri days..
in sec one we had prometheum band concert.. so to persuade eugene to go, i very the nice person.. gave him discount for the ticket.
then he so stingy buy one :P
then i think sec 2 or 3 i asked him again.
this time walao eh tmd i got him a free ticket from somewhere then he want to go :S
so.. if you pro maths.. then you'll go plot something called a graph.
its very the complicated one (haha) so i'll spare you all the trouble and show you how it looks like:

yea stop being so jealous of my graph drawing skills..
so basically this it the very complicated graph which i obtained from a certain equation y=f(xyz)
where x is human irrational behaviour, y is real purchasing power, and z is my kindness (very complicated indeed :P)..
oya dont forget the function only exist if theres a domain..
domain here is xyz = ceteris paribus :)
so anyways if you are observant enough (aka if you had suspected a certain econs teacher was a SWIMMER), then you would have noticed that if i wanted to ask eugene to go for another band concert, i would have to PAY him..
with all things held constant and assuming im pro enough (which i am), i estimate that i have to pay him 5 dollars, with plus minus one absolute error, aka 20% percentage error :DDDDDD
woot :D
haha ok im talking crap.
doesnt matter if you dont understand.
neither do i :D
oh i forgot to mention..
all names used in this above example are purely FICTIONAL. any resemblance to real life incidences are purely coincidental.
just count yourself lucky haha :D
8:33 PM
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Lol just came back from science centre :D
from the obviously very enriching learning journey..
we learnt like so many things la.. reach there already got lessons liao.
first wenhao decides that his ego is dam big.. like bigger than me or something and will protect him from anything..
so he decides to go walk under the fountain of water..
then as he walked past the fountain decided that it din like big ego ppl.. so it changed direction and soaked him totally :DD
woot that was fun.. lucky i not walking with him.. later the fountain explode or something.
but being nice I lent him my towel that I happen to bring.
a very nice pink towel lol :)
then went to ate macs.. couldn’t finish my fish fillet so I sneaked it into the omnimax theatre to eat there..
watched some fighter pilot show where we all got dizzy and stuff.
then after that go attend some lecture about the forces that keep the planes flying.. sounds suspiciously familiar tophysics lecture..
I wanted to take notes but I din want to pressure other ppl so being nice I just sat there queitly and listen.. :PP
ok maybe not too quiet but nvm.. then we decided that J2 is too old a age for young ppl like us so we started having fun.
So officialy primary 6F is born in RJC.
thats us :)
yay my class getting lamer and lamer.
and more and more ego
dunno whether its my fault or not haha :)
erm.. I meant.. dunno whether its my 功勞
then that lecture guy gave some demonstration about flying toys.. so after that we decided to go buy..
but somehow we got erm.. so fascinated by the things in science centre that we just spent like a few hours walkin around and playing..
wow so erm young and innocent haha..
then whole science centre was empty so we had the whole place to make fools out of ourselves..
oya I won the fastest finger pressing game lol :D
then ppl think getting electricuted dam fun so they pay money to go sit on an electric chair :S
lol then erm… went to this mirrorful place..
take a lot of pics there.. wanted to kope some and post here but then I don’t have those pics now :(
then in the end we finally reached the science centre shop before they close..
then i think we fooled around so much that those ppl were getting pissed off at us :(
so evil of us but our CT din seem very concern haha so nvm
anyway all of us bought this lame flying toy thingy..
and if we all happen to be in a mood to waste $1.50 we shall fly those things during break tomoro :D
hmm then finally we decided to go home.. and it decided to rain..
maybe my ego too big.. the fountain decided to leave things to the rain instead.
so ppl who have umbrellas nvm..
ppl who have umbrellas (like jianwei)but want to act manly never take out umbrella..
and ppl who are just plain lazy (like me) just walked in the rain.
lol :)
then reach mrt ppl got wet (I represent ppl)
then take train home..
then PJ revealed a lot more scandals about herself and wenhao :DD
like erm she just suddenly call yiwen wenhao :S
maybe he’s forever on her mind :D
o then later something mysterious happened.. coz yiwen bought bubble tea b4 going on train..
then she din drink on train so guai.. so she put in one of her bag pockets..
then after a while we suddenly saw a straw lying on the floor..
then it belongs to her bubble tea… lol
and her bubble tea was gone!
like some mystery story like that.. bubble tea gone but straw remains behind.. and we couldn’t find it anywhere on the train :S
so we concluded that someone was very the thirsty.
Very very thirsty.
So anyways feel very tired now..
tomoro still want to stay back to watch talentime.
i wanna go take part also.
my talent is egoing..
i assure you its a very the powerful talent.
enough to make it rain you know :D
oh then tomoro morning still must go put up lame posters for band.
totally hate those posters.
still must go sort them out now..
lol just got some pics... courtesy of cherie :D
taken from house of mirrors..

ok its dark.. and its taken with a hp.
haha so its blur
9:27 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
lol just came back from band..
feeling so stone now so shall come here blog some crap first.
just now my whole lunch break was pretty screwed up.
first we band pple happily met to put up PLAY posters :D
everyone so enthu so we grab posters and started spamming everywhere we could find..
then half an hour later we finished all 200 posters liao :)
so everyone dam happy sia... until SUDDENLY out of nowhere someone heard some news that hey, you need chops if you wanna put up posters in rjc!
okie... so guess wad. had to painstakingly take down all our posters.
walao eh.
and no j2 warned us to chop those freaking posters.. haix
so everyone got dam pissed lor.
so no lame posters for everyone to see tomoro :(
and guess who had to carry those 200 posters home coz we had no time to put everything up again.
i wonder which guy soo nice :D
see la another set back of studying in RI too long..
in ri you wanna put posters you just go the photocopying shop, order a few thousand copies, and drown the school population with your army of ugly posters.
and hope that these posters will make ppl vote for you during elections cause they see your name about 1000 times everyday.
and everywhere.
go toilet to.. ahem.. also will see his name and face :S
ya i still rmb that tmd urinal idiot..
ok nvm im digressing again.
erm where was i.. oya so ppl got tmd dam pissed.
but being nice :D we still went for band..
(i appeased myself by eating 2 ice creams first)
then played this dumb song called john williams something.
the themes inside are dam nice.. ET, harry potter and star wars.
but the song is like -_-.
like the piano score.. jeff and i happen to turn our heads and look..
there are like so many freaking running notes all over the page that if you connect the dots together, you'll get something like a sin graph :SSS
o that reminds me of maths.
ok i shall not go into maths. i dont understand it anyway.
oya found out that my clar sl from my primary school :DD
then she had the same chinese teacher as me :)
haha and in our whole section, only two of us got A1 for higher chinese O levels :D
anyways tomoro going science centre :D
for learning journey.
ya i bet i'll learn some stuff man..
just heard from CT that coz we only have 27 ppl going, the high ranking ppl are not coming down to speak to us after all.
tmd dao us isit.
and tmd dao ME isit.
total disrespect sia..
ok i think i need to go sleep liao.
very tired nowadays..
esp with those lectures getting more and more like lullabies.
8:38 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
happy valentine's day!
i love everyone!! :D:D *hugs and kisses*
hahaha oops sorry that was very the censored.
you saw nothing.
anyway for those ppl who are reading this post and crying at the same time because you din get a rose..
dont despair.
coz the someone typing this post din receive one either :)
haha i would have prefered sunflowers :D
but nvm thats besides the point.
for those of you crying even though you have a rose but its not from the SOMEBODY you would like to get it from, dont despair.
tmd at least you got a flower.
and for those of you who got a rose from that SOMEBODY you like and yet you are still crying because you pricked your finger on a thorn...
hahaha :D
i mean.. erm.. my sympathies to you *sad face* :(
hahahahah :P
for those ppl who are reading this post and crying coz i just hugged you and kissed you..
go away man.
o and for those of you who erm.. so kindly liberated poor balloons into the sky during morning asssmbly and lectures..
good job!
sure you wasted your money (or your fren's money), but it was money well spent.
at least the rest of us had a good laugh :D
lol i never knew valentine's day was such a big big event.
in a certain place known as RI (retarded institution), valentine's day can come and go for all the ri-ians care.
sometimes they dont even know it exist.
and i assure you roses NEVER EVER come within miles of that place :S
so after 4 long long years stuck there, it does take a while to get use to knowing the fact that another abstractly different species from us, known as "girls" exist.
anyway im just wondering how much money the council made..
given the number of roses i see all over the places, i would guess its quite a lot. QUITE.
but then again its for charity la haha
anyway i got a light up pen for gift exchange :)
and its captain hook :O
so plus the pooh bear pen, i now have 1+1=2 disney pens!

cant use them in class though.
coz eugene complains that the light is very distracting..
and teachers might accuse me of using morse code :D
ok nvm that was lame.
oya and i got a merci chocolate also (which the whole class got)(which melted) and a folded paper heart :D
haha :)
anyway b4 i forget, let me ego about our land yacht first
we were rather slow in building it.
then SOME other group finish first.
and they went to show off in front of the fan that it moved !!
so we decided to try ours also.
and our sail wasnt even up yet..
its just 4 wheels (made up of 8 bottle caps. yes we drank 8 bottles of fruitjuice) and some sticks.
and our yacht actually moved too :D
and it moved quite far... so somehow we just disproved wadever theory that forces need are large surface area to push a yacht along.
ok i dunno whether theres such a theory.
but heck it.. assume there is.
and we disproved it haha :D
oya and they call their ship the enterprise (goodness... star trek is ANCIENT)
so being smart we call our ship the death star :)
(star wars rox man :D:D)
hmm just came back from rec bad..
then just now went to buy blue tack and rubber bands for posters for PLAY
erm ya it sounds strange now that we need rubber bands.
but tomoro you will start seeing lame.. erm i mean.. *creative* posters befouling.. erm i mean.. *brightening up* the walls of rjc :)
yay band rox.
today's GP lesson was so fun.
we got back our essays and to my very great surprise, i got an A.
(yes i WAS surrpised. i try to be modest sometimes.)
then i looked around and i realised alot of ppl got As also.
o then my GP tutor wrote (in very erm.. *personalised* handwriting.. meaning probably only she can read it without trouble) that i had "good command of the english language" !!!
i was like --__--
me? good in english?
oh then she said something about how important it is for us to have a decent handwriting..
dont have to be super nice but at least legible.
and while she was saying this i was trying dam hard trying to decipher wad comments she wrote on my paper. lol
then even better.
end of lesson she called some ppl to talk to her.
then i was one of them..
so i was like.. o great wad did i do now
maybe she noticed i wasnt paying attention properly..
then she said.. she would like us to consider going for this very pro seminar in RJC tomoro coz she thinks we should go give it a try or something.
wow :)
oya and speaking of paying attention.. econs lecture are getting very the slack now also..
if a certain econs lecturer wants evidence on that (assuming that he dont trust his own eyes), i have video evidence :)
of ppl playing on their GCs during the lecture.
and pics of ppl sleeping rather blatantly.
then i tried turning on my blue tooth..
and i got a shock..
my phone found at least 8 ppl around me with their blue tooth (teeth) on :SS
i wonder wad they are doing man...
maybe they having an econs chat.
ASSUMING of course, that we are love econs..
dont we?
8:10 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
walao my prediction for the weekend flying away went wrong.
by wrong i dont mean the weekend din fly away.
i meant the weekend practically teleported away liao.
see ah.. prediction on friday was spot on :D
then sat got a bit of mistake.. instead of og outing i went for high tea..
more or less the same la haha :)
than today.
supposed to have abit of time to slack one.
then tmd something just HAD to spoil it.
that something is called building a land yacht for a king.
cooked up by a certain physics department in a certain school :)
(lousy cooks no doubt :P)
anyways b4 you get me wrong, let me clarify that i have absolutely nothing against this project..
in fact i was rather looking forward to it.
(stop giving me those skeptical looks ok..)
coz if you are a studious person (like me), you would have read and followed instructions carefully.
and the instructions on the story line clearly stated that the king would give us 2000 pieces of gold!!
i was like. WOW. someone in the department struck lottery and decided to be kind hearted.
so its supposed to be dam fun la.
them tmd they tell us its fake money. assuming fake currecny :(
walao econs fever spreading the school liao lor.
so that took most(all) the fun out of it.
i mean who on earth has that much time to build a imaginery land yacht for an imaginery king in an imaginery scenario whos gonna pay you imaginery rewards???!!!
but of course being hardworking ppl (more like being ppl who wanna get into trouble), we are still gonna do it of course.
so soon i have to go orchard to meet my group and do this thing.
just now was reading lord of the rings trilogy again.. then i suddenly realised i left out an important fact in the book during the past dunno how many times i read it.
frodo shares the same birthday as me!!! :D
for all those deprived ppl who din read the book, that means bilbo baggins shares the same bade as me also.
whee thats so fun.
they are the third and fourth person i know (assuming of course, that they exist) who share same bdae as me.
the second person is a certain marcus neo.
strangely (ok maybe not too strange :P) all these ppl born on my bdae (with the possible exception of a certain marcus neo) are very important ppl (whoops did i just include myself too :P)
hahaha lotr such a nice book :D
11:00 AM
Saturday, February 11, 2006
see la.. im supposed to be at og now outing but tmd i pon it :(
thats our second og outing i pon liao and i feel dam guilty (yes i AM capable of feeling guilty de)
see ahh its not really my fault.
morning got band.. than after band we went to eat and i had a torturous time watching everyone else eat while i stone there coz later im going out to eat again..
my aunt invite us to some place in chinatown called something like 飲茶酒樓 for high tea :DDD
haha so fun :)
the food there very the nice man :D
now i think of those delicious 點心 i still 垂涎三尺 .. :)
then seeing that im already in chinatown so must as well walk around and see look see look lor..
then found some very nice shops and i bought a crystal globe for myself..

its very nice..
and very cheap.. 3.333333 bucks only :D
for those lousy maths ppl it means 3 for 10 bucks la haha :P
muahahahah i own the earth.
actually i own 2 earths haha..
got 2 globes at home :)

then i realised i shouldnt so kan cheong go buy the valentine's day thingy.. coz there got so many freaking things to buy there..
my sis bought some pink teddy bear wind chime.. haha it looks so nice i would have bought if not for the fact that i bought something already :D
lol then some more the things there quite cheap :)
hmmm i rmb i was talking about ponning og stuff..
so in the end i never go lor.. that explains why im seating in front of my comp blogging instead of sitting somewhere in marina bay eating good food like steamboat :((
haix just felt so tired that i decided not to go lor :S
feel so bad now.. coz i actually told them i would go de at first..
haix haix haix
ok need to go discuss physics land yacht thingy liao.
dont even know why we bother.
din even submit those dumb wheels :(
maybe we'll do a land skiier :)
or a land flier :D
lol ok talking crap.
shall go grab something to eat now so hungry
8:02 PM
Friday, February 10, 2006
you know theres one thing about getting too good results for chinese..
everyone who got lower than you will be like: "you! tmd wth *** @@@ ### get so high for wad??!!
haha but i love it :D
the only subject where i can say im not as lousy as let say my maths. :D
yay higher chinese got A1 :DDDDDD
happy happy happy me :)
lol get results also very the informal one leh.. just take the lousy slip of paper from tanpuayhock and then go home liao..
at least today not a totally wasted day though haha..
b4 getting results we got class outing :D
then we went macs and i ate a second breakfast (me and my studious efforts to gain weight :D)
then we very the wuliao so we started trying out new stuff to drink.. then richard added the hotcakes syrup to my coffee and i actually drank it.
yuck man :S
its so super super sweet.
taste like honey or something :SSS
then after that we started drawing lots for the valentine day gift exchange thingy so that we can go buy gifts.
i dont see the point really.
coz even though i know who im buying the present for, i have absolutely no idea wad to get.
i mean.. we know each other for 1 month at most, and we talked probably less than 10 times.
k nvm.
then we went shopping for ideas..
but i got none as usual.
shopping and me dont mix well.
then after that the rg ppl want to zao already coz they got their own class lunch.. so the ri ppl became very wuliao and went to the abandoned playground area in j8 to play cards..
dont know wads that place really called haha.
just know theres nobody there so we can happily play cards :DD
lol 光天化日下 ri students in uniform playing cards..
tsk tsk tsk :P
haha i actually caught everyone (except me obviously.. im always the innocent one :P) on camera..
but eugene threatens to sue if i post them here so erm..
i very the 明哲保身 one :)
then after the results thingy 4G decided to go out..
then the other ppl decided to go watch i not stupid 2.. which i already watched :(
then happily yuklun decided that he dont want to watch either coz he doesnt like jack neo..
then happily too yiyan decided not to watch too coz er.. yuklun is not watching :S
so 3 of us nothing to do..
then being nice ppl we decided to shop for valentine's day presents..
coz yuklun's class had to do also..
then in the end we found 3 things we might wanna buy..
so by a very ingenius method of mine (open numbers :D)
we decided to buy x.
then by another ingenius method of yuklun (random choosing) we decided to change again and buy y! :D
(see my maths algebra is proded sia :D)
so anyways.. the point is, we bought valentine's day presents :D
yay so we felt dam proud of ourselves.. so we decided to go eat something to celebrate..
went to food junction where we spent the 1st 10 minutes deciding wad to eat..
and in the end our decision was to not eat anything ! :D
yay we are time wasting PROs.
so we have nothing better to do liao so we start talking cock :DD
our favourite pastimes man.. :D
even out weighs bridge and that says alot about us haha :D
then in the end talk so much until nothing to talk liao so we went home..
then we realised all take train in same direction!!
haha so continue our talk cock convo :D
then when reaching yuklun's house he decided he wanted to buy contacts lenses coz he run out liao..
then he not enough money.. so he want to borrow from me.
then he had 31 bucks exactly. i had 8.90 (ok i poorer mah)
so if your maths pro like me :P, you'll add up the numbers and get erm... lets see ahh... tmd tmd
walao eh.
really tmd no prizes for guessing how much those darn contacts cost :S
then we started discussing whether yuklun should go plead with the shop man to give him 10 cents discount or not..
but then in the end decided not too.. coz it really sounds wrong. like begging like that lol..
lol so more or less had an enjoyable day :D
but then i feel sick now.
felt sick in j8 already dunno why.
keep wanting to puke.
almost did on the train. yuck.
luckily by sheer erm.. proness :P, i didnt :)
ok tomoro band still wanna have soccer.. somehow everytime b4 soccer i fall sick than cannot play..
shall go rest now.
maybe will recover by tomoro :)
9:11 PM
Thursday, February 09, 2006
and guess how many cards eugene got for his bdae??
haha we rawk :D
and we are lame too :)
today eugene's bdae so our class bought him a cake and a deck of cards :D
(so thats 52 cards plus 2 jokers, one calendar and one copyrights thingy)
then everyone wrote msgs to him on the cards :DDD
haha we are like so so so so nice! :D

the cake looked so delicious.. we had to resist smashing it into eugene's face coz we wanted to eat it lol :D
lol these are not my photos btw.. so to erm acknowledge source these are from yiwen's camera haha :D
anyway i shall just shamelessly put the photos here la :D

he look so stone..

too bad our CT din come even though he said he would (aiyo break promises to students liao la)
then eugene carried a piece of cake from the canteen to LT3 so that mr lai can eat it :D
haha he looked so funny when he got the cake..
yay our class really really rox ! :D

i really have no idea why eugene looks so stone though haha
maybe he's very touched..
see 6f is so fun rite :D
now we are planning stuff for valentine's day..
got dunno wad secret valentine thingy where we buy gifts for other ppl in our class :)
then monday got someone else's birthday and we are gonna er... better not type here in case he reads though i think he doesnt :)
tomoro getting o levels liao finally..
soo soo soo exciting man..
good luck to everyone :DD
yes o levels have enough weightage for 3 sentences on this blog :DDD
anyways i can anticipate another weekend disappearing liao even before it arrives :SS
things just keep getting better dont they..
tomoro b4 Os.. will be going out with 6f..
then after Os.. probably will go out also somewhere..
then saturday morning got band.. :)
after band got og outing again at marina bay to play pool and eat steamboat :DD
wow im hungry after typing the steamboat thingy..
hmm that leaves sunday.
i probably wake up at 10 plus..
eat brunch until 1 plus..
watch some tv, slack, blog abit, slack, read abit, slack, try to do some tutorial and slack..
then the weekend will be gone gone gone.
9:18 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
scissors paper stone!!
haha so funny rite.
laugh la dont be evil..
which test do you not have to study for?
blood test!
(ok this answer is highly debatable since the answer might be dont need to study for ANY tests.. but (ceteris paribus) we are talking about muggers here)
yay very lame tmd but laugh leh dont be evil
our class very wuliao (namely me) so during maths lecture we started coming out with all this funny stuff :)
oya when does two beats 9 and 10?
when you play dai dee!!
haha ok enough laming around lets stop :)
tomoro eugene's birthday..
being nice (namely me also) our class planned something for him also..
i hope he doesnt read this now coz it will spoil the fun..
so tomoro then i report wad we gonna do... ok i mean wad we have done :DDDD
hmm o levels coming out on firday leh so dam xian.. lost one day of hols coz 2nd day of Os results supposed to be no school also.
then heard theres still gonna be band on saturday.. haix
but tomoro will be quite passable i think.. coz last day of the week is always passable.
then friday b4 results at least my class going out (finally)..
and guess where we going? j8.
wow we cant get enough of bishan isit.
anyways O levels. dont need to get too upset about wadever results you get.
coz even if you get C6, you can show off that you scored 6 points for you Os.
thats pretty impressive you know :D:D
ok i sound like im 安慰ing myself in advanced :S
yesterday civics was very the ego boosting.
coz we spent the lesson thinking of all good points about ourselves and then think of alot of nice things about other ppl..
then to make it more convenient we even got a long list of nice things (from A to Z) like adorable, attractive..until witty (okok i KNOW its A to W only)
very nice :D
so i had a very hard time restraining myself from circling too many times :)
haha i mean.. erm i had a very hard time restraining myself from erm.. being too honest :D
lol yeah i love egoing :DD
oh last week went to buy 孫燕姿's concert tour dvd :D:D
so happy.. but lol i think she not that good a performer leh..
haha prefer to just listen to her sing rather than watch her :))
ok actually i dont really have anything to blog about today lar.. just feeling abit the bored and abit the wulaio.. had decided to slack today (where everyday is a subset of today) haha :D
ok shall go watch some bugs bunny cartoon b4 i sleep :D
yes i know i very the wuliao, but i sincerely believe nobody is ever too old for cartoons :DD
you are either too mature, or you are too mature..
both are bad for health :)
im neither :D
Oh and i just suddenly rmb another lame thingy :DDDD
there are only 3 kinds of ppl in this whole world.
those who can count, and those who cant count.
8:47 PM
Sunday, February 05, 2006
phew just came home from going out in the morning :D
haha so tired and another weekend gone.
tmd they keep running away..
haix they are so freaking irritating you know.
anyways morning i go calligraphy thingy.
tmd so hot.. i quick quick write and zao liao :D
so ugly lucky i din take picture.
was damn off form sia :S
anyway my point was about the weekend running away.
(i think they take concordes)
(or maybe they just wear super nike shoes)
(ok nvm that was lame)
lets see.. i din do anything during the weekend which can be remotely considered useful (besides going for band :D band rox)
and i left a pile of things to do.
1. design poster for Play
unfortunately (for me) play isnt fun. we have to do banners and posters.
oya play is a band concert haha :D
2. chem CIA
chemistry in action..
7 feb.
our topic? Chemical Energetics + Reaction Kinetics.
huh wad on earth mars and pluto is that..
how much we started?
you say leh....
anyways eugene not online now so i cant do it alone.
i'm all for teamwork you see.
feel VERY bad if i were to start without him although i would REALLY like to do it :DD
anyways so im free to blog now.
oh im digressing.
3. physics tutorial
lol i not sure whether i understand the lecture in the first place
stupid projectile motions.
4. chem tutorial.
that reminds me. my chem assignment score?
a modest 4/11. woot :X
mr lai marked questions 6 and 7. and i happily din do 7.
aiya to think on the bright side (if theres one), eugene did neither 6 nor 7 :S
guess wad he got?? :PP
5. prepare for GP debate.
and im the adjudicator.
which means i must see both sides of the issues.
tmd which also means adjudicators have to do double work.
on the bright side (see so optimistic) richard offereed me ice lemon tea if i ahem.. ahem ahem. :D
but cherie offered one game of bridge :DD
see problems everywhere.
must choose.. oops i mean must adjudicate *properly*
hahaha :PPPP
6. plan learning journey.
walao you honestly think i got time for this????
7. write journal.
i shall just write my standard answer
"read my blog pls"
8. worry for O level results
wheee being a very optimistic person, i prefer not to see this as a problem.
in fact its a blessing in disguise.
you know why?
yup got holiday :D
ok i got another problem actually..
i suspect i left out some work undone and i cant rmb it ("them" is a more probable term here than "it")
such a lousy weekend.
eugene still dont want to come online so i shall continue blogging.
yukky tryin to disturb me coz he's BORED and im supposed to entertain him.
and we talking crap (wad else)
and we are on the topic of digging noses.
Lol :D
haiya i very bored liao shall go find ppl to talk more crap rather than blog :D
ok i mean.. i shall go entertain myself by erm... doing physics and maths!!
yay i love schoolwork!!! :DDDD
i do!! :D
i do :)
i really do..
do i? :SS
ok i dont :((
tmd my brain really rejects attitude transplants.
8:25 PM
Thursday, February 02, 2006
i forgot to post something last entry.
the fact about cheem words..
that day went out with band ppl..
then when we were talking jeff somehow revealed another fact about how scary girls from rg are..
coz when he msn with them, he needs to use dictionary.com
dotz dotz.
and he's not joking lor.
and then he said marcus (i not surprised) needs to do the same thing also.
so everytime they open msn, they open dictionary.com
tmd thats scary..
haix now very tired.. coz just got dat stupid trial run thingy during pe.
then i feel dam proud of myself. completed 2.4 in 11:50 :D
ok i know thats not freaking fast. in fact its not fast at all.
but wad the heck la.
enough for gold :)
im not an ambitious person (more like im a lazy person)
but.. wad the heck la.
lol just realised so many ppl have blogs in my class.
so fun. then everyone's blog look so nice de lol.
but then i bet mine is lamemest and wuliaoest in my class.
and the most EGO.
so there. i win :DDDDD
haha ok nvm talking crap again.
you know one thing about having blogs.. is that you can find lame excuses for not writing journals.
esp journals for your CT.
so my next journal entry will be very short (again)
"pls refer to my blog"
im hopin mr lai doesnt read my blog.
or if he reads he doesnt ask me to explain wad tmd is.
today got econs tutorial..
and we have nothing much (and thats being VERY optimistic) to do..
so tutor tried her very best to make our lesson SOMEWHAT related to econs.
anyways then she want to go toilet.
so she, being polite, asked us "since you all ask me when you want to go toilet, i have to ask you all also rite?? so can i go toilet? dont say no ah"
so naturally, everyone said no you cant go.
but she went anyway, assuming of couse that we are joking.
econs is always about assuming.
tmd why cant we just assume that econs tutorials are just for decorative purposes.
not that they look very aesthetically appealing anyways.
speaking of tutorials, theres this chem lecture notes summary thingy.
supposed to hand in the summary for lecture notes 1.
then one of the questions was "what are 3 things you wanna ask?" (not necessarily clarification)
so i ASSUME that we can ask ANYTHING.
so i wrote 2 nice nice textbook type questions.
then i got stumped.
coz need a third question. then i din know wad to ask.
so i just freaking wrote "MUST we do this summary for every lecture notes??!! :(:("
technically speaking thats a question.
and i assume my teacher would accept that.
assuming of course that he assumes that im not joking
coz im not. seriously dont want to do summary every lecture lor lol...
recently i just discovered theres one lesson i look forward to in my timetable (besides break time... i mean, bridge time)
its called student development.
and its dam fun.
some guy called jerry (dunno whether he's that singapore idol person) came to talk about life, love, sex or something like that one.
then hor one of the slides is about friends..
so got alot of virtues up there... patience,friendly,helpful,caring,loyal etc etc etc etc
all the nice things in the whole wide world.
then (being a very honest and straight-forward person), i couldnt help blurting out a fact.
the most fundamental truth in the universe.
i couldnt help it ok.
i cant help being honest (where honest is a subset of EGO)(spelt with capital E, G and O)
so anyways i happen to be sitting in the first few rows..
so jerry had to hear me.
actually he din hear properly. so he asked me wad i said.
so being the very modest person i am (thankyou thankyou dont need to clap pls, im blushing), i said NVM.
then tmd my public relations manager (i wonder who ah) had to repeat wad i said.
yay :S
so happily everyone in the LT heard la :)
im sooo proud to be a modest and honest person. and egoist.
ok nvm enough egoing.
later got ppl puke.
during physics we learnt this thingy called a zeroth law.
me and eugene were really wondering who created it.
anyway its this very very very simple known fact about temperature transfer, and someone just had to put it into a law and then claim credit by annoucing to the world what everyone already knew in the first place.
let me introduce a better law to you. mervin law!!
dotz dotz
ok tmd nvm i said ENOUGH egoing.
stop it :)
ok today seriously ego too much le..
i got a perfect solution to stop myself.
do math :(
math tutorial.
shall go do until question 9 then go sleep :DDD
8:27 PM