Saturday, January 14, 2006
wow odac really super cool man.. see la make me want to change my mind about joining band or odac again.. ahh my loyalty to band is being challenged AGAIN. haix
odac doesnt seem to agree with me though.. morning go there play 2 games.. and i got injured in both games yay :S first is like erm captain's ball not played with balls... instead we use stupid things like tomatoes butter and a raw chicken. tmd
so obviously they want me to be captain, seeing that i erm.. not very short. so i have to catch that digusting tomato butter and the freaking chicken.. walao smelt of butter after that la.. then the stupid chicken hor.. make me fall down when i tried to catch it. such an irresponsible chicken. so i scratch myself on the leg and starting bleeding. tmd chicken so cocked up one :S
so i go put plaster and stuff. then go play next game. a very innocent game of frisbee :D yay only idiot will get injured rite. then we happily go play lor then suddenly frisbee come flying towards me so i caught it. then at the same time eugene tan caught it. then he pull.
tmd my thunb still on the freaking flying frisbee (yay FFF!! haha i know flying doesnt really fit in here but anything la :D) so tmd my thumb got injured now :( WALAO eh. serious got prob with me or something lor.. (oops that sentence sounds tremendously wrong) then one of my group leader think she called rebacca help me bandage.. then she erm not the very expert at first aiding la and plus our first aid kid was lousy one.. so my thumb became like this.
dunno wad happen to my camera the lighting looks so funny lol
anyway coz at first we thought fingernail crack mah.. but just now i took out the bandage and wash away the blood then i think never crack la. just got blood only phew. (ok that sentence sounds wrong also haha)
coz i realised the importance of my thumb only when its bandaged up. cannot tie shoelace. cannot put my hand into pocket cannot peel oranges (took freaking long with my left hand just now :S ) cannot whack eugene when he piss me off (haha just jk :PPP)
see la. everyone else better learn from me and start appreciating their thumbs now :DD haha
ok then after games got treasure hunt.. if you can call that a treasure hunt seeing that we only played in a tiny little area :D so our group slower than the other group in finding the clues coz we give chance (haha :DD) but by being PRO we solved the puzzle without the clue anyway haha yay :DD haha so we won lor then the other grp do forfeit by writing "hunks and babes rocks!" with their butts !! haha so crazy rite we are like in public. lol i even videoed it down haha :DD then our group leader sabo us and then somehow we also have to do a forfeit leh lol.. so we did the same thing also in public yay! haha we are crazy ppl :D
oya then i got another video of our group leader pole dancing around a coconut tree for a forfeit! haha its super nice but i dunno how to upload it here :( anyway being NICE i shant be evil and destroy his reputation haha :DD (OOPS actually i wasnt even suppose to reveal that he actually pole danced :P) lol odac ppl really so nice (wow does that include me now :D).. so sporting de :D
then after treasure hunt then no more le lor we got dismissed then our group go BK for lunch.. then after that we went to play that luge thingy (dunno how to spell la) its that go cart look alike thingy that you slide down a slope :S and you pay 8 bucks for that haha... then also get a ride on the cable car look alike thingy (dunno wads it called la) then i took pictures also yay (so pro rite even though im rather afraid of heights) but my phone cable STILL cant work yet (WALAO eh) so i cant post here :( aww.
then play finish we go home le lor.. even though got ppl wanna go merlion at first. but they realised have to pay one so in the end forget it la haha :D dunno why ppl will wanna pay money so that you can stand on the merlion's head.. tsk tsk very 威風 isit :D ok actually it is but nvm :D
so where was i.. oya so we decided to go home. those few words "decided to go home" like dam simple rite.. it actually took us a few hours to accomplish that lol :S dunno who to blame also la we just happily took the wrong bus, continue taking it even though we know that its wrong (yay), finally get off and wait for the correct one at the original stop where we took the wrong bus and also where we passed at least 5 times(i know sentosa quite well now), go to the departure place, wait for 2 buses(why so many ppl there!), and FINALLY, we got .. erm ok haven reach home yet. but we reach SINGAPORE!! yay haha singapore is home la i suppose :) we are patriotic ppl! :D
sighz. now abit the tired le. and THEN, benny came and msn me "hey wanna try archery?" walao eh :D
9:07 PM
Law =) A someone who blogs for fun joy peace and laughter.
if you are offended by any of the blunt (and/or sharp) truths typed here,
please leave immediately. the author (thats me!!) is a nice and innocent person
who doesnt even dream of degrading anybody.