Sunday, January 29, 2006
lol today is new year of chinese.
new year of dog.
dunno wads so new about it seeing that every year is practically the same.
any smart businessman will tell you that every year is just a different package from last year.
no real diff really.
ok anyway shant venture into philosophy of arguments..
give me headache..
today i go watch i not stupid 2 :D
very good movie..
watch until i cry..
so touching.
haha ok anyway the important thing is the movie is free!!
yay :D
coz my aunt won like 40 movie tickets (ahh i want...) in a lucky draw coz she use NETs to buy things or something.
so she treat us go watch movie at marina square :D
so nice of her haha :)
anyway movie is good so go watch it..
anyway we reach marina abit early so go eat lunch at BK first (seeing that everywhere else is closed)..
then my little cousin threw tantrum coz my aunt dont want to let her drink coke coz she's sick..
so she started daoing everyone or just say "i dont know" to wadever ppl say.
then she refused to eat her meal.
then she took one packet of tissue paper and started blowing her nose and coughing very loudly :SS
one tissue paper after another until she used the whole pack and the table has a small mountain of tissue paper on it :SSS
lol little kids so cute sometimes :D
then later to appease her we go play arcade :DD
so fun :D
o then after the movie i think my aunt 心軟 le and went to buy anderson's ice cream for her..
wow being cute little kids is good sometimes you know :DD
hmm o ya marina got some chinese new year thingy there mah then they got sell things so i went to see look see look.
then i happily bought myself a chinese 笛子:DD
haha costed me (i mean my mom :D) 18 bucks and i have no idea how to play it :(
not my fault that i bought really..
my another cousin wanted to buy at first..
so i got tempted by her and wanted to buy also..
then in the end she decide not to buy again.
(girls are soooo fickle minded you know)
ok nvm i shall slowly learn how to play it :)
lol tryin to watch chicken run and blog at the same time but its so difficult haixx.
hmm yesterday stayed up until 12 to watch tv countdown thingy..
its so no 氣氛 at all lor dunno why..
then smsed chinese new year greetings to alot of ppl (yes nice me) but i think i got miss out some ppl (im so sorry la).
then tmd so few ppl sms me back.
tsk tsk tsk..
then got someone smsed me also but i have no idea who he/she is..
so i just smsed back
"happy chinese new year to you too!! :D
who are you?"
haha then the person never reply lol..
lol yesterday went back to primary school to see my teachers (sry la never go back ri)..
(Oh and speaking of ri... i just heard wonglailin is the new teacher in charge of band!!
walao thank goodness (means thank myself) im not in band le lol..)
ok anyways then the p1 pupils are like soooo cute!!!..
then someone was commenting like 10 years ago we looked like those p1s..
wah cant believe it sia..
time really flies man..
then hor realised that a lot of ppl really hate ppl from ri/rg or something..
on our way there from rj we played cards on the bus..
then got his guy at the back kept throwing us this very disgusted look..
its like erm.. we not even gambling.
bridge is an intellectual game ok.
then we reach our old school le and we go staff room to find out teacher..
then on our way out someone in front din know the door is electronic.
so he din know must press the button to open.
then tmd got some dam sarcastic ppl from dunno wad school was like
"wah ri.. dont even know how to open a door"
seriously they hate us like siao.
jealous isit.. so sickening.
(see i put so much space to distant myself from whoever that person is)
then after the gathering we go parkway.
we as in 5 ppl out of the 13 who went back :(
haix so sad our class falling apart le..
then 5 of us just very wuliaoly went parkway where we had a really meaningful time drinking bubble tea and erm.. walking around parkway.
ya erm.. very meaningful.. seeing that we stayed there like for half an hour.
nvm at least we are making an effort in keeping class spirit alive :D
hmm ok tomoro gotta go 拜年... means i'll be very tired.
coz today slept very little.
means i should go sleep now.
means i should stop blogging.
means i should say byebye.
means i should say happy chinese new year :D
happy new year must be happy!
so im happy happy now :D
ok wadeverz im also dam wuliao :DDD
8:16 PM
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Lol chinese new year coming liao le
And being nice students we (CT reps) are going to give mandarin oragnes to out beloved CTs.
and guess wad.. the oranges are provided by the school. so our job is simply to take those 2 oranges from the general office and past them to our teachers :D.
ok thats like more or less.
oh and we are supposed to say some nice things to them also.
So I was like.. ok... say something nice lor. (given my personality it wont be too difficult)
But being pro (yes thankyou) i must be creative.. so now im tryin to decide wad to say
新年快樂 is so freaking cliche
萬事如意 is copycatted and dogged approximately 10 million times.
心想事成 is.. well lets just say it wont be good for us students..
Teachers would then have comparative AND absolute advantage over us students.
Means.. they just THINK that we should complete tutorial.. then we die die also will have to get it done.
(if this is the truth for you now, im afraid you are suffering from a fatal disease called muggerism, currently spreading from rgs)
thats very bad isnt it..
and oh that reminds me.
tomoro must hand in chem tutorials.
anyways im side-tracking..
財源滾進 is lame. no point and lame..
even if i wanted money.. i would like it to be in notes and cheques..
not small just little coins which roll in.
anyway money is not that important in our lives..
there are many more meaningful things that make us happy too :DD
ok i think everyone agrees with me now (hopefully)
until we get our hong bao(sssss) !! :DDDD
年年有餘.. erm im not sure if my teacher keeps fish.
so as you can see, my limited vocabulary of nice nice words failed me..
until i was struck by a wonderful idea.
something unique..
something pratical..
something i really mean from the bottom of my heart..
something everyone will agree with me..

yuck it looks ugly i know.
sry im so shameless la.. :DD
ok i just thought of another way out..
ask the other CT rep to go give the oranges.
trouble solved :)
ok go do chem tutorial..
my chem teacher dam nice..
let us "pay" him in instalments..
so we dont have to finish the whole thing..
just do some questions let him mark..
so i now have a moral dilema..
how many questions to do..
1 - walao dont take advantage of nice teachers la
2 - not much better
3 - almost half :D
4 - sounds ideal
5 - wow i AM harworking aint i..
6 - thats almost everything.. danger level approaching
7 - ok caught muggerism disease too..
(ok techincally i haven caught it yet even if i do all the questions. coz you know wad.. alot of ppl (no prizes for guessing who) already finished and handed in today. tmd)
ok nvm i talk too much crap..
i should go get started..
Happy new year :D
8:15 PM
Monday, January 23, 2006
i have maths tutorial to do, so i shant waste too much time blogging.
so i shall get to the point then..
monday is quite a ok day..
whole day just lectures and 1 physics prac..
but the last lesson (in my timetable) is fun..
its called student development :D
then for ppl who haven taken it yet, i shall kindly spoil the surprise for you :D
haha got some ppl from dunno where come talk to us about love, life and .. sex!
so they talk about this and that and show us video on this and that.
(dont be disappointed theres no porn in it)
anyway its those thingy where they tell you sex at young age is wrong, sex kills your future career, sex destroys your whole life and stuff like that..
anyways there is a short questionnaire b4 they start, so being kind hearted i shall offer some model answers taken from past examinees (namely from my class) to aid anyone in need..
anyways so the question is something like "when do you think you should you have sex" (or something along those lines) and then "why"...
(sry if i din rmb correctly the questions la)
so.. as expected the whole LT probably gave politically correct answers like "after marriage" coz "blah blah blah" (i know you know wad is blah blah blah)
even saw someone wrote 2 long paragraphs to answer those questions.
wow enthu sia..
anyways we live in the 21th century.
creativity (and honesty and integrity) is very the important nowadays.
so anyways here are some model answers you can copy (no rights reserved)
Q: When do you think you should you have sex?
A: At night
Q: Why?
A: Coz its dark
Q: When do you think you should you have sex?
A: At night
Q: Why?
A: Coz i very shy mah...
Q: When do you think you should you have sex?
A: At night
Q: Why?
A: So that peeping neighbours cant have a good free show, and then call 999 to complain.
Q: When do you think you should you have sex?
A: Wads sex???
haha oya at the end they got ask for your sex..
besides putting M (or F), rmb to put "not yet"
ok i ASSUME (ceteris paribus) its "not yet" for most ppl i know..
but pls be honest.
lolz ok the above stuff are all jokes.
no offense (of course rite..)
dont go screw things up for these ppl they are very nice one :D
and they give nice sweets also :D
ok im supposed to do maths tutorial.
i shall at least go ATTEMPT to attempt it :D
so hardworking.. even though i suspect most of my class (esp the rg ppl) already finished it.
7:48 PM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
yay so tired.
sat go band.. then after band got "orientation games".
which is like go under the hot hot sun and play frisbee and captain's ball .
wow :D
then after that being a very united batch, we go batch lunch.
where batch lunch equals 4 gals and 5 guys..
yay :D
then we go the far far away macs (ok la its the interchange one which is quite near actually but i lazy mah).. then eat (yay btw im no longer underweight. found out during PE that i gained weight over the hols apparently :DDD)
ANYWAYS so after that we talk..
mostly about band stuff la..
then we all (as in ri ppl) found out that rg band is so freaking scary place :SS
its like the seniors are super evil, they are under stress all the time, and they cry all the time :(
so sad rite..
its like.. they do something wrong. senior scold them for one hour. then senior scold until cry (its suppose to be scary not funny). then they see senior cry they scard. they cry! and they all cry happily ever after..
(ok i added that last bit myself la)
whee.. then i *really* like their rules..
1. senior is ALWAYS right
2. senior say do x, means you do x. (wow so mathematical :(( )
3. if senior is wrong, refer to rule one.
so scary sia their band. then they say like b4 syf they all super stress one. every day stay back for prac. and almost everyday kena scolded by seniors or something. (and i assume everyday cry)
in ri band its like erm.. super cool (or super dont care or super confident)(or super pro though this is not likely) one..
no sweat at all (unless of course its because of playing catching around the school like SOME sections)
then erm where was i.. oya. going home.
then i reach home (haha)
then never rain (good)
then i sleeeeppp.
wah im like very tired or something lor..
started sleeping at 4 plus.. then i sleep and sleep until this morning 730 :DDD
so if im not wrong, i slept like 15 plus hours. yay.
haix shaun sim just told me he confirm not going band le..
so sad.
he got into sailing coz "there are not enough male sailers"
actually sailing sounds so fun too..
anyways he tryin to psycho me to buy his clar now..
so i generously offered him 1 buck :DDD
haha so pro rite.
ok nvm where was i.. oya after waking up.
i eat 2 breakfasts..
must maintain my weight :DDD
then i go slack around abit until noon..
then i slack around abit more until 3 plus..
then my mother suddenly say she need to decorate the house.. so she ask me to write calligraphy for her.
so being the very nice person i very obviously am :DD, i wrote la.
ok nvm.
show off abit here (sry la if you think not nice)*deflating ego*

yay its on the living room wall now :D

ok this one i anyhow one haha :)
not nice like that..
(but im totally out of practice ok so cannot blame me)

oh them my mum want to give my aunt one also (wow ego boost)
so being the very nice person i very obviously am again (thankyou thankyou) i wrote another one.
o then my father go write those 對聯 mah, so i though i should write one also..
then i dunno wad to write.. so i just shamelessly write 紅包拿來 :DD
practical me :DD
haha but then *abit* shameless and anyway i dont think it looks nice so i shant post here :)
oh wells me and shaun bargaining over clar prices now.. i just reached 30 bucks!!
wow i just increased my original offer by 30 times and stingy him still say no..
tsk tsk tsk :PPP
so fun.. i shall continue to increase my offer then :DDD
o shat i just missed some movie called The One or something.. was watching the beginning leh.
blog until forget.
ok now i shall go find out its theres any tutorial i need to do.
by "need to do" i mean i cannot finish it tomoro b4 assembly starts..
(i know i got good time management thankyou thankyou)
haix weekend disappeared again.
in such a rush for wad.
9:01 PM
Friday, January 20, 2006
yay today got odac camp until sunday and i never go!!
haha its an important step in reinforcing my loyalty towards band..
ahem am i nice or am i nice :D
lol anyway band also abit no good now..
so long never touch instrument le then become very the lousy.
screw up during concert :SS
anyways nvm not that most ppl are dam good or wad yet.
tomoro go and see first..
then also joined rec bad :)
its abit erm.. slack to say the least.
go there just play and play and play lor.
no coach no teacher no nothing.
not even a proper training actually haha :D
maybe i might quit and join sea sports instead...
just now came home from school.. weather was hot in bishan.
reach tampines, started to drizzle.
so as usual i heck the rain and still decided to walk home :D
THEN, i walk until the garden.
next to the swimming pool.
which is under CONSTRUCTION.
MEANS, the shelter is GONE.
AND it started to really DOWNPOUR.
MEANS tmd la.
got freaking caught in the rain :(
so i decided to jog abit.
by jog abit i mean jog a few steps..
coz by the time i took those few steps i was drenched already :SS
heavy rain sia.
so being a practical person i walked slowly home in the end in the heavy rain.
(seeing that the oppurtunity cost of jogging is to risk falling down, and seeing that i have no advatage (neither absolute or comparative) over the freaking Mr Weather)
(yay i listen in class :DDDDDDDD)
AND when i reach my doorstep soaking wet, the rain become drizzle AGAIN.
walao eh.
tmd you win you win.
anyway luckily i never buy icecream today to eat on the way home (see im so optimistic) :D
if not ah.. really really tmd already.
just now i was surfing the TI instrument webby, since i just bought my "slashed price" GC.
then (obviously) the first place i went was the student lounge section and look for "games"
THEN under that category got an extremely incredibly unbelievably bombastically fantastically fabulous description:
"Need something to keep you occupied during those boring moments outside of class? "
tmd la go look at those games lor.
even if they say boring moments INSIDE CLASS (which is probably the truth for most ppl :PP), i might not even bother with those games.
but at least they tell the truth rite :DD
anyway outside class i would have prefered playing bridge.
incidentally its an INTELLECTUAL game for INTELLECTUAL ppl :D
whee i wonder who ah :D
thursday play bridge with wy and i think he was tryin to screw bg up so he bid for 5 clubs :S
and then, tmd as fate has it he called me partner..
and then, WE WIN!!!
haha so pro so pro :DDD
ok just downloaded mario game.
shall go figure out how to play on my GC :D
9:06 PM
Saturday, January 14, 2006
wow odac really super cool man..
see la make me want to change my mind about joining band or odac again..
ahh my loyalty to band is being challenged AGAIN.
odac doesnt seem to agree with me though.. morning go there play 2 games..
and i got injured in both games yay :S
first is like erm captain's ball not played with balls...
instead we use stupid things like tomatoes butter and a raw chicken.
so obviously they want me to be captain, seeing that i erm.. not very short.
so i have to catch that digusting tomato butter and the freaking chicken..
walao smelt of butter after that la..
then the stupid chicken hor.. make me fall down when i tried to catch it.
such an irresponsible chicken.
so i scratch myself on the leg and starting bleeding.
tmd chicken so cocked up one :S
so i go put plaster and stuff.
then go play next game.
a very innocent game of frisbee :D
yay only idiot will get injured rite.
then we happily go play lor then suddenly frisbee come flying towards me so i caught it.
then at the same time eugene tan caught it. then he pull.
tmd my thunb still on the freaking flying frisbee (yay FFF!! haha i know flying doesnt really fit in here but anything la :D)
so tmd my thumb got injured now :(
serious got prob with me or something lor.. (oops that sentence sounds tremendously wrong)
then one of my group leader think she called rebacca help me bandage..
then she erm not the very expert at first aiding la and plus our first aid kid was lousy one..
so my thumb became like this.

dunno wad happen to my camera the lighting looks so funny lol
anyway coz at first we thought fingernail crack mah.. but just now i took out the bandage and wash away the blood then i think never crack la.
just got blood only phew.
(ok that sentence sounds wrong also haha)
coz i realised the importance of my thumb only when its bandaged up.
cannot tie shoelace.
cannot put my hand into pocket
cannot peel oranges (took freaking long with my left hand just now :S )
cannot whack eugene when he piss me off (haha just jk :PPP)
see la. everyone else better learn from me and start appreciating their thumbs now :DD
ok then after games got treasure hunt..
if you can call that a treasure hunt seeing that we only played in a tiny little area :D
so our group slower than the other group in finding the clues coz we give chance (haha :DD)
but by being PRO we solved the puzzle without the clue anyway haha yay :DD
haha so we won lor then the other grp do forfeit by writing "hunks and babes rocks!" with their butts !!
haha so crazy rite we are like in public.
lol i even videoed it down haha :DD
then our group leader sabo us and then somehow we also have to do a forfeit leh lol..
so we did the same thing also in public yay!
haha we are crazy ppl :D
oya then i got another video of our group leader pole dancing around a coconut tree for a forfeit!
haha its super nice but i dunno how to upload it here :(
anyway being NICE i shant be evil and destroy his reputation haha :DD
(OOPS actually i wasnt even suppose to reveal that he actually pole danced :P)
lol odac ppl really so nice (wow does that include me now :D).. so sporting de :D
then after treasure hunt then no more le lor we got dismissed then our group go BK for lunch..
then after that we went to play that luge thingy (dunno how to spell la)
its that go cart look alike thingy that you slide down a slope :S
and you pay 8 bucks for that haha...
then also get a ride on the cable car look alike thingy (dunno wads it called la) then i took pictures also yay (so pro rite even though im rather afraid of heights) but my phone cable STILL cant work yet (WALAO eh) so i cant post here :(
then play finish we go home le lor..
even though got ppl wanna go merlion at first.
but they realised have to pay one so in the end forget it la haha :D
dunno why ppl will wanna pay money so that you can stand on the merlion's head..
tsk tsk very 威風 isit :D
ok actually it is but nvm :D
so where was i.. oya so we decided to go home.
those few words "decided to go home" like dam simple rite..
it actually took us a few hours to accomplish that lol :S
dunno who to blame also la we just happily took the wrong bus, continue taking it even though we know that its wrong (yay), finally get off and wait for the correct one at the original stop where we took the wrong bus and also where we passed at least 5 times(i know sentosa quite well now), go to the departure place, wait for 2 buses(why so many ppl there!),
and FINALLY, we got .. erm ok haven reach home yet. but we reach SINGAPORE!!
yay haha singapore is home la i suppose :)
we are patriotic ppl! :D
now abit the tired le.
and THEN, benny came and msn me "hey wanna try archery?"
walao eh :D
9:07 PM
Friday, January 13, 2006
yay survived first week of school. erm ok la its first academic week of school.
not that theres alot of diff, seeing how ppl like wy already started ponning school so that they can erm.. like have a good start to a good ponning year ahead or something la..
yuck that sounds porn lol :D
then wad ah.. ermm
not many things happened la actually..
besides me somehow suddenly mysteriously dunnohowly became my class ct rep..
dont look at me like that lor..
so evil.. im very nice de ok :DD
doing class list for eveyone now :D
just decided to add a very nice pooh picture in it haha :D

yay so wuliao..
first week actually passed very quickly la..
like dunno wad happen then 5 days wanna say bye bye already...
(ok not that i dont want to say byebye la come to think of it :DDDDD)
oo ya tuesday my og very nice go og outing..
see we are so united (i mean.. if you ignore the fact that only half of us turned up la)
then hor..
tmd leh..
recently the weather is like.. if i dont rain then i very the 對不起自己 lor..
never consider for one moment that if it rains its dam 對不起 our og..
and tmd even more importantly its dam 對不起 ME. :S
so in the end it rained (wow din expect it) so we din go east coast..
went to someone's house instead coz she got big house.
then spent whole afternoon playing cards and then playing soccer in the rain..
funny leh none of us got sick lol
so nobody got chance to get mc and pon school the next day..
coz accordin to my ogl, "school is very important ok? dont pon la.. okok if you pon just dont let me know" :PPP
haha so nice
and oh speaking of the weather.. i smartly left my umbrella at the house.
so clever.. now she says she cannot find it :(
dunno wad happen maybe my umbrella ran away. sobs..
oh ya speaking of the weather again the temperature now also very nice..
broke my thermometer's personal best of 25 degrees by ONE degree.
so now its a freezing 24 degrees celcuis..
every morning serioulsy dont want to wake up man..
oya i just rmb that break record thingy..
we all have to buy the GC thingy rite.
its so ex..
so you know wad?
bookshop SLASHED the prices.
good news!!
ya rite.
seriously so 不要臉 you know..
SLASH by one buck also want to show off until like that.
you win you win :S
haix then got another thingy in school lor..
the wed at 230pm one
no la not the dance thingy..
its the dunno wad cca thingy..
(coincidentally it decided to rain also)
then hor.. like so many ccas.. after leaving band so so long its like everything is tempting you to go join coz its sounds so so so so so so much more exciting leh.
so i signed up band, odac, interact club, volleyball, floorball, rec sea sports :D
forgot to sign up for rec bad but wadeverz.. i shall just turn up for the training or something haha..
like a whole new world outside band like that haix..
then hor suddenly feel like so bad if i dont join band.
like very guilty like that.. :(
i mean.. important ppl like me just quit band and run off to another cca like so evil one :DDD
like eloping or something.. eww.
seeing that richard lu already called me to tell me tmr got band prac.
(oya speaking of richard right.. i dunno wad happen to me lor.. i like see richard in school everyday la.. thats like how gay.. even on first day of school the first person i saw when i step into rj was richard.
walao eh...)
ok nvm richard :PP
anywayz then just msn chat with nicholas and then i think abit then i suddenly suddenly realised that band plays such an important part in my life..
awww so touching rite...
but then i bet if i dont join band i'll regret it later la so i better join lor :D
i got that 先見之明 thingy. or divination. wadeverz la haha :DDD
yay feel so good now that i made up my mind haha..
hope that odac thingy tmr dont change my mind.. so torturous leh..
o yay i finished my class list le..
so efficient at multi tasking right wow :D
shall go sleep now..
tmr have to wake up early AGAIN.
im deprived of sleep even on weekdays
8:13 PM
Sunday, January 08, 2006
whee orientation over le.
thats so sad..
ya i mean it with all my heart. ( i know this is a grammer error.. it should be with all my hearts.. but.. aiya watever)
ANYWAY im sad coz orientation is over..
coz that means school is gonna start..
hate school..
then first week the timetable so cool like that one..
almost empty.. but cannot go home even without lessons.
and our teachers are called Civics Tutors.
i thought we saw the end of CTs last year already..
o speaking of ponning..
zhao yin mysteriously din turn up at 730am on second day of orientation..
then 8 am still never appear..
9 am not here..
10 am.. ahh wadeverz..
haha he had something on la..
lol yeah....
then my class ah.. tmd leh..
on 7th story..
then lift always so many ppl one :((
wow so morning exercise for me everyday lor :DD
oya our ogl made this for everyone of us..
so nice of them..

heard they stay up until 4 am just to sew that Mneme thingy on..
erm its pronounced as "nem"...
though sometimes we call it minnyme (or however its spelt)
or zhaoyin prefers to call it nehneh.. :SS
he even suggested it to our ogl.. but ya it wasnt accepted coz.. erm.. haha i dunno why also :D
aiya wadever la..
anything also can one de haha :D
whee my family went to buy new sofa haha :D

haha so bright rite eww.
then my mother bought this ..erm.. i dunno wad also..

and my sis immediately go and zhan wei ji you..
hmm my hp finally got mp3 in it le yay!
haha and not because i found out how to use my 30 bucks cable.
(ya i havent figure it out yet tmd dunno wads wrong with that evil thing)
but coz my father bring laptop home from work so i erm.. just borrowed it lor haha :)
use the infra red thingy and load songs in yay yay :DD
hmm then hor my utopia account is more or less dead le haha..
never log in for 4 days and they start clearing me already :(
so evil of them haix..
meteor storms kill so many of my ppl..
so being smart i deleted my account so that they cannot steal my gold :DD
haha so selfish rite yaya but wadeverz...
heck them.
randomly i realised i miss calvin and hobbes comics lo :D

3:57 PM
Sunday, January 01, 2006
haha pull your ear also :P
so finally we all can say bye bye to 2005 and say hello (be polite even if you dont really mean it) to 2006..
new year.
means everyone will write their dates wrongly for the first few weeks :D
also means time for something very irritating called resolutions.
we all know wad resolutions are.
they are like promises..
promises that prefect nominess of RIPB make to us during their campaign speeches.
and we all know how reliable those promises are.
you can always rely on them to poof and disappear..
we should all be honest and not make any resolutions :DDDD
i mean.. just reflect and try to rmb wad resolutions you made last year this time..
either cant rmb or never make.
theres no point.
but being different i shall make some resolutions this year.
i'll try to be good.*
i'll try to be be nice.*
i'll not pon anything this year (dont look at me like that)*
* i'll be good and continue to blog more entries when im free
* i'll be nice to my tortoise and clean her tank more often :D
* the author reserves the absolute right to change the conditions without any prior notice. author's judgement is final
* exchangable for money is anyone is willingly to offer me :DDDD
omg im soo soo soo nice :DD
santa claus better bring me some good presents this year :DD
haha i hope santa doesnt bother reading fine prints.
nobody bothers to anyway. advertisers are quite pro one..
see im so smart.
erm. if you DID manage to read the fine prints..
tmd la.
pretend not to read it leh
even if you read then pretend to forget ok?
ok enough about the new year..
life goes on.
and so does utopia.
got whacked by 3 provinces all at least 150k bigger then me.
tmd la
cowards. pick someone your own size
we not even at war.
slap them.
lol just now went to airport for dinner..
the food court just renovated.. looks very nice now haha.
anyway then on my way back i took the lift up mah.. then i saw someone used marker to scibble on the lift door.. "stay away from drugs"
so thoughtful and enthu about anti drug campaigns.
if not for me being the kind and considerate person i am (i am! i am! i am! ok), i would have scribbled another msg back.
"Dont vandalise la"
6:44 PM