Wednesday, September 28, 2005
ok being a very optimistici person i have gotten over the small failure of the almost pass/fail marginally maths test and found something new to complain about.. my tagboard
dunno wad happen but its screwing up my blog. the stupid site is down for some reason. so my blog lags when it tries to load the tagboard. they say "This flooble chatterbox is temporarily unavailable. It will be back up shortly."
i think we have vastly different definitions of "shortly". but i guess its always a case of water happy can carry boat, but water not happy can also sink boat.
Like this:
calvin is always so clever right.
9:44 PM
Law =) A someone who blogs for fun joy peace and laughter.
if you are offended by any of the blunt (and/or sharp) truths typed here,
please leave immediately. the author (thats me!!) is a nice and innocent person
who doesnt even dream of degrading anybody.